abandon | 捨てる | abandon, dump, throw away |
accept | 受け取る | accept, receive, get, take |
accomplish | 成し遂げる | accomplish, achieve, attain |
accord | 一致する | agree, correspond, accord, coincide, tally |
accuse | 訴える | accuse, sue, prosecute |
accuse | 非難する | criticize, blame, accuse |
achieve | 成し遂げる | accomplish, achieve, attain |
acquire | 手に入れる | get, earn, gain, acquire, obtain |
admire | 尊敬する | admire, respect, look up to |
advance | 進歩する | advance, progress, develop |
advise | 勧める | advise, suggest |
advocate | 薦める | recommend, advocate |
affect | 影響を与える | affect, influence |
agitate | 刺激する | agitate, arouse, stimulate |
agree | 同意する | agree, approve, consent |
agree | 一致する | agree, correspond, accord, coincide, tally |
alarm | 驚く | surprise, amaze, alarm, shock, stun |
alert | 注意する | alert, caution, warn |
allow | 許す | allow, permit, forgive |
alter | 変える | change, alter, transform |
amaze | 驚く | surprise, amaze, alarm, shock, stun |
annoy | 悩ます | bother, trouble, annoy |
answer | 答える | answer, reply, respond |
anticipate | 期待する | expect, wish, anticipate |
apologize | 許す | apologize, forgive, excuse, pardon |
apologize | 謝る | I'm sorry, I apologize |
appear | 見える | seem, look, appear, sound |
approve | 同意する | agree, approve, consent |
argue | 議論する | argue, debate, fight, quarrel |
arise | 上がる | rise, raise, arise |
arouse | 刺激する | agitate, arouse, stimulate |
arrange | 整理する | put in order, tidy, straighten, classify, arrange |
arrive at | 到着する | arrive at, get to, reach |
ask | 頼む | ask, order, request |
ask | 催促する | ask, press, urge, demand |
assemble | 集める | collect, gather, assemble |
assemble | 集まる | crowd, gather, get together, assemble |
assert | 主張する | assert, claim, maintain, insist |
assist | 助ける | help, assist, rescue, save |
assume | 推測する | presume, assume |
assure | 保証する | assure, guarantee, insure |
attain | 成し遂げる | accomplish, achieve, attain |
attempt | 試みる | try, attempt, test |
attend | 参加する | join, participate, take part in, attend |
avoid | 避ける | avoid, escape, evade |
bake | 焼く | bake, fry, roast, grill |
ban | 禁止する | forbid, prohibit, ban |
bargain | 交渉する | bargain, negotiate |
battle | 戦う | fight, combat, battle |
be afraid | 心配する | worry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear |
be amazed | 驚く | be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be startled |
be anxious | 心配する | worry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear |
be astonished | 驚く | be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be startled |
be concerned | 心配する | worry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear |
be cured | 治る | recover, get well, be cured, heal |
be disappointed | がっかりする | be disappointed, be discouraged |
be discouraged | がっかりする | be disappointed, be discouraged |
be fond of | 好きである | like, be fond of, love |
be going to | するつもり | be going to, intend to, mean to, plan to |
be killed | 死ぬ | die, pass away/decease, be killed, perish |
be left | 残る | remain, survive, be left |
be living in | 住む | live in, be living in の違いと使い分け |
be looking forward | 楽しみに待つ | be looking forward, look forward |
be over | 終わる | end, finish, be over |
be startled | 驚く | be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be startled |
be surprised | 驚く | be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be startled |
bear | 耐える | bear, endure, put up with, stand, tolerate |
beat | 打つ | hit, beat, strike |
beat | 勝つ | win, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer |
begin | 始まる | begin, start, break out |
believe | 信じる | believe, believe in, trust |
believe | 思う | believe, feel, imagine, think |
believe in | 信じる | believe, believe in, trust |
bend | 曲げる | bend, twist, curve |
betray | 裏切る | cheat on, betray, deceive |
blame | 非難する | criticize, blame, accuse |
block | 妨げる | prevent, block, interrupt |
boil | 煮る | boil, stew, simmer |
book | 予約する | book, reserve |
borrow | 借りる | borrow, rent, lease |
borrow | 借りる | borrow, lend, loan, rent |
bother | 悩ます | bother, trouble, annoy |
break | 壊す | break, destroy, demolish |
break out | 始まる | begin, start, break out |
break out | 起こる | break out, take place |
bring | 連れて行く | take, bring |
build | 建てる | build, construct, erect |
build | 作る | make, build, create |
buy | 買う | buy, purchase, get |
cast | 投げる | throw, toss, cast |
cast | 投げる | throw, cast, toss, flung |
caution | 注意する | alert, caution, warn |
change | 変える | change, alter, transform |
change | 改める | change, improve, revise |
change | 変える | innovate, change |
chase | 追う | follow, pursue, chase |
cheat | ごまかす | cheat, deceive, cover up |
cheat on | 裏切る | cheat on, betray, deceive |
check | 調べる | check, examine, inspect |
chide | 叱る | scold,reprove,rebuke,reprimand,chide |
choose | 選ぶ | choose, select, elect |
chop | 切る | cut, chop, trim |
chuckle | 笑う | chuckle, giggle, laugh, snicker |
claim | 主張する | assert, claim, maintain, insist |
claim | 要求する | claim, demand, require |
clash | 衝突する | crash, clash, crush |
classify | 整理する | put in order, tidy, straighten, classify, arrange |
clatter | 鳴る | ring, clatter, rustle |
close | 閉める | close, shut |
coincide | 一致する | agree, correspond, accord, coincide, tally |
collapse | 倒れる | collapse, fall down, slump |
collect | 集める | collect, gather, assemble |
combat | 戦う | fight, combat, battle |
come | 行く | go, come |
come out | 出る | come out, get out, go out |
compare | 比較する | compare, contrast |
compel | 強いる | force, compel |
compete | 争う | compete, contend, contest, rival |
conceal | 隠す | hide, conceal, cover up |
confer with | 相談する | consult, confer with, consult with, talk with |
connect | つなぐ | connect, link, unite |
conquer | 勝つ | win, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer |
consent | 同意する | agree, approve, consent |
consider | 考える | think, consider, regard |
construct | 建てる | build, construct, erect |
consult | 相談する | consult, confer with, consult with, talk with |
consult with | 相談する | consult, confer with, consult with, talk with |
contain | 含む | contain, include |
contaminate | 汚染する | pollute, contaminate, make…dirty |
contend | 争う | compete, contend, contest, rival |
content | 満足させる | satisfy, content |
contest | 争う | compete, contend, contest, rival |
continue | 続く | continue, last, ensue, follow |
contrast | 比較する | compare, contrast |
control | 操る | control, manage, direct, handle |
convince | 納得させる | persuade, convince |
cook | 料理する | cook, make |
copy | 真似る | imitate, copy, mimic, mock |
correspond | 一致する | agree, correspond, accord, coincide, tally |
count on | 頼る | depend on, rely on, count on |
cover up | ごまかす | cheat, deceive, cover up |
cover up | 隠す | hide, conceal, cover up |
crash | 衝突する | crash, clash, crush |
create | 作る | make, build, create |
criticize | 非難する | criticize, blame, accuse |
crowd | 集まる | crowd, gather, get together, assemble |
crush | 衝突する | crash, clash, crush |
cry | 泣く | cry, weep, sob |
cry | 叫ぶ | cry, shout, scream |
curve | 曲げる | bend, twist, curve |
cut | 切る | cut, chop, trim |