a couple of | 二つの~ | a pair of, a couple of |
a few | 少ない | few, a few, quite a few |
a lot of | たくさんの | a lot of, plenty of |
a lot of | 多い | many, much, a lot of |
able | 有能な | able, capable, competent |
abnormal | 異常な | abnormal, unusual, extraordinary |
abroad | 海外 | abroad, foreign, overseas |
absolute | 完全な | complete, perfect, absolute |
absorbed | 夢中な | crazy, absorbed, addicted |
absurd | 不合理な | irrational, unreasonable, illogical, 他 |
abundant | 豊かな | rich, wealthy, abundant |
accurate | 正しい | right, correct, accurate |
actual | 本物の | true, real, actual, genuine |
acute | 鋭い | acute, keen, sharp |
addicted | 夢中な | crazy, absorbed, addicted |
adequate | 十分な | enough, sufficient, adequate |
agreeable | 快い | pleasant, pleasing, agreeable |
alien | 外国の | foreign, alien |
all | すべて | all, entire, whole |
all | すべて | all, both, every, each |
all | 全部の | all, whole |
ambiguous | あいまいな | ambiguous, obscure, vague |
amusing | おもしろい | interesting, exciting, amusing |
ancient | 古い | old, ancient, antique, old-fashioned |
angry | 怒って | angry, mad, upset |
another | 他の | another, other, others |
antique | 古い | old, ancient, antique, old-fashioned |
apparent | 明らかな | clear, apparent, obvious |
arrogant | 高慢な | proud,arrogant,haughty,insolent,conceited |
artificial | 人工の | artificial, fake, imitation, false |
ashamed | 恥ずかしい | ashamed, embarrassed |
average | 通常の | normal, average, standard, 他 |
awful | ひどい | terrible, awful, cruel |
bad | 悪い | bad, evil, wicked, ill |
bad | 下手な | poor, bad, unskillful |
balanced | 公平な | fair, equitable, balanced, even-handed |
bare | 裸の | bare, naked, nude |
be afraid of | 怖い | be scared, be afraid of |
be scared | 怖い | be scared, be afraid of |
big | 大きい | big, large, huge, great |
bit | 少し、少々 | few, little, bit |
blue | 憂鬱な | gloomy, blue, depressed, depressing |
bluff | 無愛想な | unsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他 |
blunt | 無愛想な | unsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他 |
bold | 勇敢な | brave, bold, courageous |
boring | つまらない | boring, dull, trivial |
both | すべて | all, both, every, each |
brave | 勇敢な | brave, bold, courageous |
bright | 明るい | bright, light, cheerful |
brutal | 残酷な | cruel, brutal, harsh |
calm | 穏やかな | calm, mild, soft |
capable | 有能な | able, capable, competent |
carefree | 注意し‥ | carefree, careless, careful |
careful | 注意し‥ | carefree, careless, careful |
careful | 慎重な | careful, cautious, prudent, discreet |
careful | 綿密な | detailed, careful, close, 他 |
careless | 注意し‥ | carefree, careless, careful |
careless | 軽率な | careless, thoughtless, hasty, rash |
carry out | 行う | carry out, conduct, do, execute |
cautious | 慎重な | careful, cautious, prudent, discreet |
certain | 確かな | sure, certain, definite |
certain | 確かな | sure, confident, certain, positive |
cheap | 安い | cheap, inexpensive |
cheeky | 無神経な | impudent, cheeky, shameless, forward |
cheerful | 快活な | cheerful, cheery, lively, mirthful |
cheerful | 明るい | bright, light, cheerful |
cheerful | 元気な | cheerful, vigorous, spirited |
cheery | 快活な | cheerful, cheery, lively, mirthful |
chicken-hearted | 憶病な | cowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy |
chief | 主な | main, chief, principal |
childish | 幼い | childish, childlike, immature |
childlike | 幼い | childish, childlike, immature |
civil | 礼儀正しい | polite, courteous, civil |
clear | 明らかな | clear, apparent, obvious |
clever | かしこい | clever, intelligent, wise |
close | 近い | close, near, nearby |
close | 綿密な | detailed, careful, close, 他 |
close | 親しい | friendly, intimate, close |
common | ありふれた | common, familiar, ordinary, popular |
common | ありふれた | common,widespread,ubiquitous,rife,prevalent |
common | 通常の | normal, average, standard, 他 |
competent | 有能な | able, capable, competent |
complete | 完全な | complete, perfect, absolute |
conceited | 高慢な | proud,arrogant,haughty,insolent,conceited |
concentrate | 集中する | concentrate, focus |
conduct | 行う | carry out, conduct, do, execute |
confident | 確かな | sure, confident, certain, positive |
confidential | 個人の | confidential, personal, private |
confused | 混乱した | confused, confusing |
confusing | 混乱した | confused, confusing |
consecutive | 続く | continuous, continual, constant, 他 |
constant | 続く | continuous, continual, constant, 他 |
continual | 続く | continuous, continual, constant, 他 |
continuous | 続く | continuous, continual, constant, 他 |
contradictory | 逆の | opposite, contrary, reverse, contradictory |
contrary | 逆の | opposite, contrary, reverse, contradictory |
cool | 流行の | fashionable, stylish, cool, trendy |
correct | 正しい | right, correct, accurate |
courageous | 勇敢な | brave, bold, courageous |
courteous | 礼儀正しい | polite, courteous, civil |
cowardly | 憶病な | cowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy |
crazy | 夢中な | crazy, absorbed, addicted |
crucial | 重大な | serious, grave, crucial |
cruel | 残酷な | cruel, brutal, harsh |
cruel | ひどい | terrible, awful, cruel |
curious | 奇妙な | strange, curious, peculiar |
curt | 無愛想な | unsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他 |
customary | いつもの | usual, customary, habitual |
cute | 可愛い | pretty, cute |