ability | 能力 | ability, talent, capability |
ability | 能力 | capacity, faculty, ability, talent |
accident | 出来事 | event, accident, incident |
ache | 痛み | ache, pain |
acquaintance | 友人 | friend, acquaintance |
act | 行動 | act, action, behavior, conduct |
act | 規則 | rule, regulation, law, act |
action | 行動 | act, action, behavior, conduct |
address | 話 | talk, conversation, chat, address |
aged | 高齢者 | aged, elderly |
agreement | 契約 | agreement, contract |
agriculture | 農業 | agriculture, farming |
aim | 目的 | purpose, aim, objective |
amateur | アマチュア | amateur, nonprofessional, dilettante, dabbler |
amount | 量、数量 | quantity, amount |
amusement | 娯楽 | amusement, entertainment |
apparatus | 装置 | device,apparatus,equipment,gadget,machine,gear |
apparatus | 器具 | instrument,appliance,apparatus,implement,tool |
appearance | 外見 | appearance, look |
appliance | 器具 | instrument,appliance,apparatus,implement,tool |
appointment | 約束 | promise, engagement, appointment |
area | 地域 | area, section |
area | 地区 | area, region, district |
argument | 議論 | argument, dispute |
arms | 兵器 | weapon, arms |
aroma | 香り | fragrance, aroma, perfume |
art | 技術 | technique, skill, art, technology |
assembly | 議会 | assembly, parliament, Congress, the Diet |
assistant | 助っ人 | assistant, helper |
atmosphere | 雰囲気 | atmosphere, aura, feeling |
attitude | 姿勢 | posture, attitude, position, pose |
attorney | 弁護士 | lawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他 |
audience | お客 | audience, passenger |
aura | 雰囲気 | atmosphere, aura, feeling |
autograph | 署名 | signature, autograph |
award | 賞 | award, prize, reward |
baggage | スーツケース | luggage, baggage |
balance | 釣り合い | balance, harmony, symmetry |
bar | 酒場 | club, bar, pub |
barrier | 障害 | barrier, obstacle, difficulty |
barrister | 弁護士 | lawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他 |
base | 基礎 | base, basis, foundation |
basis | 基礎 | base, basis, foundation |
bathroom | トイレ | bathroom, toilet |
beginning | 始め | beginning, start, origin |
behavior | 行動 | act, action, behavior, conduct |
belief | 信仰 | belief, faith, religion |
benefit | 利益 | benefit, gain, profit |
bit | ひとかけら | piece, bit, slice, lump, sheet |
blame | 責任 | blame, fault |
border | 境界 | boundary, border |
boss | 雇い主 | employer, boss, manager |
boundary | 境界 | boundary, border |
boyfriend/girlfriend | 恋人 | lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, steady |
broad | 広い | wide, broad, vast |
bug | 虫 | insect, bug, worm, moth |
capability | 能力 | ability, talent, capability |
capacity | 能力 | capacity, faculty, ability, talent |
capacity | 資格 | qualification, capacity, license |
career | 職業 | job, career, profession |
cargo | 積荷 | freight, cargo |
caricature | 漫画 | comic strip, cartoon, caricature |
cartoon | 漫画 | comic strip, cartoon, caricature |
catastrophe | 惨事 | disaster, catastrophe, tragedy |
cause | 原因 | cause, reason |
celebration | 祝宴 | celebration, party |
center | 中心 | middle, center, heart |
ceremony | 儀式 | ceremony, ritual |
chance | 運 | luck, fortune, chance |
chance | 機会 | opportunity, chance, occasion |
chaos | 混乱 | confusion, disorder, chaos |
character | 性格 | character, personality, temper |
characteristic | 特徴 | characteristic, feature, trait |
charge | 手当て | salary, charge, fee |
chat | 話 | talk, conversation, chat, address |
chemical | 薬 | medicine, drug, chemical |
cinema | 映画 | movie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema |
circle | 集団 | group, circle |
city | 街 | town, city |
clandestine | 秘密の | secret, confidential, classified,他 |
classified | 秘密の | secret, confidential, classified,他 |
clerk | 事務員 | clerk, worker, secretary, receptionist |
client | お客 | customer, client |
clothes | 衣服 | clothes, clothing, dress |
clothing | 衣服 | clothes, clothing, dress |
club | 酒場 | club, bar, pub |
coach | 先生 | teacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer |
coast | 海岸 | shore, coast |
colleague | 同僚 | colleague, coworker |
college | 大学 | college, university |
combination | 混合 | mixture, combination |
comic strip | 漫画 | comic strip, cartoon, caricature |
comment | 批評 | comment, criticism, review, remark |
comment | 発言 | comment, remark |
company | 会社 | company, firm, enterprise, corporation |
competition | 競技 | contest, competition |
complex | 複雑な | complex, complicated, involved |
complicated | 複雑な | complex, complicated, involved |
conclusion | 終わり | finish, end, conclusion |
conclusion | 結果 | result, conclusion |
condition | 状態 | state, condition, situation |
conduct | 行動 | act, action, behavior, conduct |
conference | 会議 | conference, meeting |
confidence | 信頼 | trust, confidence, reliance |
confidential | 秘密の | secret, confidential, classified,他 |
conflict | 争い | controversy, conflict |
confusion | 混乱 | confusion, disorder, chaos |
Congress | 議会 | assembly, parliament, Congress, the Diet |
consequence | 結果 | result, effect, consequence |
contest | 競技 | contest, competition |
contract | 契約 | agreement, contract |
controversy | 争い | controversy, conflict |
conversation | 話 | talk, conversation, chat, address |
copy | 複製 | copy, replica |
corporation | 会社 | company, firm, enterprise, corporation |
cost | お金 | outlay, cost, expenditure |
cost | 費用 | price, value, cost, expense |
counsel | 弁護士 | lawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他 |
counselor | 弁護士 | lawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他 |
country | 地方 | country, countryside, province |
country | 国 | country, nation, state |
countryside | 地方 | country, countryside, province |
covert | 秘密の | secret, confidential, classified,他 |
coworker | 同僚 | colleague, coworker |
crack | 穴 | hole, gap, crack, leak, puncture |
crash | 事故 | crash, wreck |
crater | 穴 | crater, opening, slot, space |
crime | 罪 | crime, sin, offense |
crisis | 危機 | emergency, crisis |
criticism | 批評 | comment, criticism, review, remark |
custom | 習慣 | custom, habit |
custom | 習慣 | tradition, custom |
customer | お客 | customer, client |