sad | sad, unhappy, pathetic | 形 | 悲しい |
safety | safety, security | 名 | 安全 |
salary | salary, charge, fee | 名 | 手当て |
salary | salary, wages, pay | 名 | 給料 |
sample | example, sample, specimen | 名 | 見本 |
sample | sample, example | 名 | 見本 |
sarcasm | irony, sarcasm, satire | 名 | 皮肉 |
satire | irony, sarcasm, satire | 名 | 皮肉 |
satisfy | satisfy, content | 動 | 満足させる |
save | help, assist, rescue, save | 動 | 助ける |
save | save, deposit, invest | 動 | 蓄える |
savor | taste, flavor, savor | 名 | 味 |
say | say, speak, talk, tell | 動 | 話す |
saying | proverb, saying | 名 | 格言 |
scarce | few, little, scarce | 形 | 少ない |
scarcely | barely, hardly, rarely, scarcely | 副 | ほとんど~ない |
scarcely | rarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他 | 副 | めったに~しない |
scare | frighten, intimidate, scare, terrify | 動 | 怖がらせる |
scene | view, sight, scene | 名 | 眺め |
scene | scene, scenery | 名 | 景色 |
scenery | scene, scenery | 名 | 景色 |
scent | smell, scent | 名 | 香り |
scheme | project, plan, program, scheme | 名 | 計画 |
scold | scold,reprove,rebuke,reprimand,chide | 動 | 叱る |
scorn | look down on, despise, scorn, disdain | 動 | 軽蔑する |
scream | cry, shout, scream | 動 | 叫ぶ |
scrupulous | detailed, careful, close, 他 | 形 | 綿密な |
sea | sea, ocean | 名 | 海 |
search | look for, search, seek, hunt | 動 | 探す |
secret | secret, confidential, classified,他 | 名 | 秘密の |
secretary | clerk, worker, secretary, receptionist | 名 | 事務員 |
section | area, section | 名 | 地域 |
security | safety, security | 名 | 安全 |
see | see, look, watch | 動 | 見る |
see | see, meet | 動 | 会う |
seek | look for, search, seek, hunt | 動 | 探す |
seem | seem, look, appear, sound | 動 | 見える |
seldom | rarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他 | 副 | めったに~しない |
select | choose, select, elect | 動 | 選ぶ |
send | send, ship | 動 | 送る |
sensible | sensitive, sensible | 形 | 敏感な |
sensitive | sensitive, sensible | 形 | 敏感な |
sentiment | feeling, emotion, sentiment | 名 | 感情 |
separate | divide, separate, split, share, disconnect | 動 | 分ける |
serious | serious, grave, crucial | 形 | 重大な |
serve | work, labor, serve | 動 | 働く |
set | put, set, place, lay | 動 | 置く |
severe | fierce, severe, violent | 形 | 激しい |
severe | severe, strict, harsh | 形 | きびしい |
shake | shake, tremble, shudder | 動 | 震える |
shame | distress, embarrass, humiliate, shame | 動 | 困らせる |
shameless | impudent, cheeky, shameless, forward | 形 | 無神経な |
shape | form, shape, figure | 名 | 形 |
share | divide, separate, split, share, disconnect | 動 | 分ける |
sharp | acute, keen, sharp | 形 | 鋭い |
sheet | piece, bit, slice, lump, sheet | 名 | ひとかけら |
shine | shine,flash,sparkle,twinkle,gleam,glare | 動 | 光る |
ship | send, ship | 動 | 送る |
shock | surprise, amaze, alarm, shock, stun | 動 | 驚く |
shop | shop, store | 名 | 店 |
shore | shore, coast | 名 | 海岸 |
shortage | lack, want, shortage | 名 | 不足 |
shortcoming | defect, shortcoming, fault | 名 | 欠点 |
shortly | briefly, shortly | 副 | 手短に |
shortly | shortly, promptly, immediately, instantly | 副 | すぐに |
shout | cry, shout, scream | 動 | 叫ぶ |
shove | push, press, shove | 動 | 押す |
show | demonstrate, indicate, reveal, show | 動 | 示す |
show | teach, tell, show | 動 | 教える |
show | show, guide, direct, lead | 動 | 案内する |
shudder | shake, tremble, shudder | 動 | 震える |
shut | close, shut | 動 | 閉める |
shy | cowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy | 形 | 憶病な |
sick | sick, ill | 形 | 病気の |
sickness | sickness, illness, disease | 名 | 病気 |
sight | view, sight, scene | 名 | 眺め |
signature | signature, autograph | 名 | 署名 |
silent | quiet, silent, still | 形 | 静かな |
silly | foolish, stupid, silly | 形 | ばかな |
similar | resemble, similar | 形 | 似ている |
simmer | boil, stew, simmer | 動 | 煮る |
simple | easy, simple, plain | 形 | やさしい |
sin | crime, sin, offense | 名 | 罪 |
since | as, since, because | 接 | ~なので |
since | from, since | 動 | ~から |
sincere | pure, genuine, solid, sincere | 形 | 純粋な |
sip | drink, sip, gulp | 動 | 飲む |
situation | state, condition, situation | 名 | 状態 |
size | size, volume | 名 | 大きさ |
skill | technique, skill, art, technology | 名 | 技術 |
slaughter | kill, murder, slaughter | 動 | 殺す |
slender | thin, slim, slender | 形 | 細い |
slice | piece, bit, slice, lump, sheet | 名 | ひとかけら |
slim | thin, slim, slender | 形 | 細い |
slipshod | sloppy, untidy, slovenly, slipshod | 形 | だらしない |
sloppy | irresponsible, unreliable, halfhearted, sloppy | 形 | いい加減な |
sloppy | sloppy, untidy, slovenly, slipshod | 形 | だらしない |
slot | crater, opening, slot, space | 名 | 穴 |
slovenly | sloppy, untidy, slovenly, slipshod | 形 | だらしない |
slow | late, delayed, slow | 形 | 遅い |
slump | collapse, fall down, slump | 動 | 倒れる |
slump | depression, recession, slump, 他 | 名 | 不景気 |
small | narrow, small | 形 | 狭い |
small | small, little, tiny | 形 | 小さい |
smell | smell, scent | 名 | 香り |
smile | laugh, smile, grin | 動 | 笑う |
snicker | chuckle, giggle, laugh, snicker | 動 | 笑う |
so | and, then, so | 接 | それで |
so | so, therefore | 接 | それで |
so | very, so, too | 副 | とても、非常に |
so far | until now, so far | 接 | これまで |
sob | cry, weep, sob | 動 | 泣く |
soft | calm, mild, soft | 形 | 穏やかな |
soft | soft, fluffy, tender | 形 | 柔らかい |
soften | ease, soften, relieve, soothe | 動 | 和らげる |
soil | spot, stain, soil | 動 | 染みをつける |
solicitor | lawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他 | 名 | 弁護士 |
solid | firm, hard, solid | 形 | 固い |
solid | solid, muscular, sturdy | 形 | たくましい |
solid | pure, genuine, solid, sincere | 形 | 純粋な |
solution | solution, resolution | 名 | 解決 |
solve | solve, resolve | 動 | 解決する |
sometimes | sometimes, often, frequently | 副 | 時々、しばしば |
sometimes | sometimes, now and then, from time to time,.. | 副 | 時々 |
somewhat | quite,fairly,pretty,reasonably,mode.. | 副 | かなりの |
soon | soon, immediately, at once 他 | 副 | すぐに |
soothe | ease, soften, relieve, soothe | 動 | 和らげる |
sorry | I'm sorry, I apologize | 形 | すまなく思って |
soul | heart, mind, spirit, soul | 名 | 心 |
sound | healthy, sound, wholesome | 形 | 健康な |
sound | seem, look, appear, sound | 動 | 見える |
sound | sound, noise, tone | 名 | 音 |
source | origin, source, root | 名 | 根源 |
space | crater, opening, slot, space | 名 | 穴 |
sparkle | shine,flash,sparkle,twinkle,gleam,glare | 動 | 光る |
speak | say, speak, talk, tell | 動 | 話す |
special | particular, specific, peculiar, special | 形 | 特別の |
specially | especially, particularly, specially | 副 | 特に |
specific | particular, specific, peculiar, special | 形 | 特別の |
specifically | specifically, in particular, notably | 副 | 特に |
specimen | example, sample, specimen | 名 | 見本 |
speedily | quickly, rapidly, speedily, briskly | 副 | 速く |
spend | use, spend, employ | 動 | 使う |
spin | turn, spin, revolve | 動 | 回る |
spirit | heart, mind, spirit, soul | 名 | 心 |
spirited | cheerful, vigorous, spirited | 形 | 元気な |
split | divide, separate, split, share, disconnect | 動 | 分ける |
spoil | go bad, decay, rot, spoil | 動 | 腐る |
spoil | indulge, humor, pamper, spoil | 動 | 甘やかす |
spot | spot, stain, soil | 動 | 染みをつける |
spring | jump, leap, spring | 動 | 跳ぶ |
squander | waste, misuse, throw away, squander | 動 | 無駄にする |
staff | employee, staff | 名 | 従業員 |
staff | staff, employee, partner | 名 | 社員 |
stagnation | depression, recession, slump, 他 | 名 | 不景気 |
stain | spot, stain, soil | 動 | 染みをつける |
stairs | stairs, steps | 名 | 階段 |
stand | bear, endure, put up with, stand, tolerate | 動 | 耐える |
stand | stand, position | 形 | 立場 |
standard | normal, average, standard, 他 | 形 | 通常の |
start | begin, start, break out | 動 | 始まる |
start | beginning, start, origin | 名 | 始め |
state | country, nation, state | 名 | 国 |
state | state, condition, situation | 名 | 状態 |
statesman | politician, statesman | 名 | 政治家 |
status | position, status, rank | 名 | 地位 |
stay | rest, stay, stop | 動 | 休む |
steady | lover, boyfriend/girlfriend, steady | 名 | 恋人 |
steal | steal, rob | 動 | 盗む |
steps | stairs, steps | 名 | 階段 |
stew | boil, stew, simmer | 動 | 煮る |
still | already, yet, still | 副 | もう、まだ |
still | quiet, silent, still | 形 | 静かな |
stimulate | agitate, arouse, stimulate | 動 | 刺激する |
stop | rest, stay, stop | 動 | 休む |
store | shop, store | 名 | 店 |
straighten | put in order,tidy,straighten,classify,ar.. | 動 | 整理する |
strange | strange, curious, peculiar | 形 | 奇妙な |
strange | strange, odd, weird | 形 | 変な |
stranger | outsider, stranger | 名 | よそ者 |
strategy | strategy, tactic | 名 | 戦略 |
stress | stress, pressure | 名 | 圧力 |
stretch | extend, expand, stretch | 動 | 伸ばす |
strict | severe, strict, harsh | 形 | きびしい |
strike | hit, beat, strike | 動 | 打つ |
strike | strike, demonstration | 名 | ストライキ |
striking | noticeable, remarkable, outstanding, striking | 形 | 顕著な |
strong | strong, powerful, intense | 形 | 強い |
strong | strong, thick, dense | 形 | 濃い |
stubborn | stubborn, obstinate, headstrong | 形 | 強情な |
student | student, pupil | 名 | 学生 |
study | study, learn, work | 動 | 勉強する |
stuff | material, substance, stuff | 名 | 材料 |
stun | surprise, amaze, alarm, shock, stun | 動 | 驚く |
stupid | foolish, stupid, silly | 形 | ばかな |
sturdy | solid, muscular, sturdy | 形 | たくましい |
stylish | fashionable, stylish, cool, trendy | 形 | 流行の |
subject | subject, topic, theme | 名 | 主題 |
submit | submit, hand in | 動 | 提出する |
substance | material, substance, stuff | 名 | 材料 |
successive | continuous, continual, constant, 他 | 形 | 続く |
suddenly | suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly | 副 | 突然に |
sue | accuse, sue, prosecute | 動 | 訴える |
sufficient | enough, sufficient, adequate | 形 | 十分な |
suggest | advise, suggest | 動 | 勧める |
suggest | hint, imply, insinuate, suggest | 動 | ほのめかす |
suggest | suggest, propose | 動 | 提案する |
suit | fit, match, suit | 動 | 合う |
suitable | suitable, fit, proper | 形 | 適した |
sum | sum, total | 名 | 合計 |
summary | summary, outline | 名 | 要約 |
superior | good,excellent,outstanding,superior,exceptional | 形 | 優れた |
support | encouragement, support | 名 | 支援 |
suppose | think, guess, suppose | 動 | 思う |
sure | sure, certain, definite | 形 | 確かな |
sure | sure, certainly | 副 | いいですよ |
sure | sure, confident, certain, positive | 形 | 確かな |
surely | certainly, surely | 副 | 確かに |
surplus | surplus, leftover | 名 | 残り |
surprise | surprise, amaze, alarm, shock, stun | 動 | 驚く |
surroundings | environment, surroundings | 名 | 環境 |
survey | investigation, survey, research | 名 | 調査 |
survive | remain, survive, be left | 動 | 残る |
suspect | doubt, suspect | 動 | 疑う |
suspicious | suspicious, doubtful, dubious | 形 | 怪しい |
sustain | maintain, keep up, sustain, uphold | 動 | 維持する |
sweat | sweat, perspiration | 名 | 汗 |
sweet | lovely, pretty, sweet | 形 | かわいい |
symmetry | balance, harmony, symmetry | 名 | 釣り合い |