トップ > 英単語 Index《 F 》

英単語 Index《 F

factoryfactory, plant, mill, works工場
facultycapacity, faculty, ability, talent能力
fadedisappear, fade, vanish消える
faintweak, faint, fragile弱い
faintweak, feeble, frail, faint弱い
fairfair, equitable, balanced, even-handed公平な
fairlypretty, quite, fairly, ratherかなり
faithbelief, faith, religion信仰
fakeartificial, fake, imitation, false人工の
fakefalse, fake, forged偽の
fallfall, drop, go down落ちる
fall downcollapse, fall down, slump倒れる
falseartificial, fake, imitation, false人工の
falsefalse, fake, forged偽の
falsefalse, incorrect, wrong間違った
familiarcommon, familiar, ordinary, popularありふれた
famousfamous, well-known, notorious有名な
fardistant, far, remote遠い
farefee, toll, fare料金
farmingagriculture, farming農業
fashionablefashionable, stylish, cool, trendy流行の
fashionablein fashion, fashionable, popular, prevalent流行ってる
fastearly, fast, quick, rapidはやい
fatfat, overweight, plump, obese太った
fatfat, thick太い
faultblame, fault責任
faultdefect, shortcoming, fault欠点
faultmistake, error, fault間違い
fearfear, horror, terror恐怖
fearworry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear心配する
fearfulfrightening, fearful, terrifying恐ろしい
featurecharacteristic, feature, trait特徴
feefee, toll, fare料金
feesalary, charge, fee手当て
feebleweak, feeble, frail, faint弱い
feelbelieve, feel, imagine, think思う
feelingfeeling, emotion, sentiment感情
feelingatmosphere, aura, feeling雰囲気
fewfew, a few, quite a few少ない
fewfew, little, bit少し、少々
fewfew, little, scarce少ない
fewerfewer, less少しの
fiercefierce, severe, violent激しい
fightargue, debate, fight, quarrel議論する
fightfight, combat, battle戦う
figureform, shape, figure
filerow, line, file, rank行列
filmmovie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema映画
filthydirty, filthy, messy汚い
finallyat last, finally, after allとうとう
finddiscover, find, locate, track down見つける
findfind, detect見つける
fineexcellent, exquisite, fine優れた
finishend, finish, be over終わる
finishfinish, end終える
finishfinish, end, conclusion終わり
firefire, lay off, dismiss解雇する
firefire, flame火、炎
firmfirm, hard, solid固い
firmcompany, firm, enterprise, corporation会社
firstfirst, first of all, at first初めて
first of allfirst, first of all, at first初めて
fitfit, match, suit合う
fitsuitable, fit, proper適した
fixdecide, fix, determine決める
fixfix, repair, mend修理する
flavortaste, flavor, savor
floorfloor, ground, grounds
fluffysoft, fluffy, tender柔らかい
flungthrow, cast, toss, flung投げる
focusconcentrate, focus集中する
followcontinue, last, ensue, follow続く
followfollow, pursue, chase追う
foodfood, dish, meal食事
foolishfoolish, stupid, sillyばかな
footfoot, leg足、脚
for a long timefor a long time, in a long time長い間
for a whilea little while ago, for a while少しの間
for oneselfby oneself, for oneself自分で
for the momentat the moment,for the moment,for the time b..今のところ
for the time beingat the moment,for the moment,for the time b..今のところ
for this reasonfor this reason, hence, thus, as a result, 他それで
forbidforbid, prohibit, ban禁止する
forceforce, compel強いる
forceforce, power
forecastforecast, prediction予想
foreignforeign, alien外国の
foreignabroad, foreign, overseas海外
forestwood, woods, forest
forgedfalse, fake, forged偽の
forgetforget, leave忘れる
forgetforget, leave behind忘れる
forgiveallow, permit, forgive許す
forgiveapologize, forgive, excuse, pardon許す
formform, shape, figure
formerformer, late, deceased前の
fortunatelucky, fortunate, providential幸運な
fortuneluck, fortune, chance
fortuneproperty, estate, fortune財産
forwardimpudent, cheeky, shameless, forward無神経な
foundationbase, basis, foundation基礎
fragileweak, faint, fragile弱い
fragrancefragrance, aroma, perfume香り
frailweak, feeble, frail, faint弱い
freedomfreedom, liberty自由
freightfreight, cargo積荷
frequentlysometimes, often, frequently時々、しばしば
freshfresh, new, recent新しい
friendfriend, acquaintance友人
friendlyfriendly, intimate, close親しい
frightenfrighten, intimidate, scare, terrify怖がらせる
frighteningfrightening, fearful, terrifying恐ろしい
fromof, from~で/~から
fromfrom, since~から
from nowin the future, in future, from now将来は
from time to timesometimes, now and then, from time to time,..時々
frybake, fry, roast, grill焼く
funfun, pleasant, enjoyable楽しい
funnyinteresting, funny面白い
furthermorebesides, moreover, furthermoreその上

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