factory | factory, plant, mill, works | 名 | 工場 |
faculty | capacity, faculty, ability, talent | 名 | 能力 |
fade | disappear, fade, vanish | 動 | 消える |
faint | weak, faint, fragile | 形 | 弱い |
faint | weak, feeble, frail, faint | 形 | 弱い |
fair | fair, equitable, balanced, even-handed | 形 | 公平な |
fairly | pretty, quite, fairly, rather | 副 | かなり |
fairly | quite,fairly,pretty,reasonably,mode.. | 副 | かなりの |
faith | belief, faith, religion | 名 | 信仰 |
fake | artificial, fake, imitation, false | 形 | 人工の |
fake | false, fake, forged | 形 | 偽の |
fall | fall, drop, go down | 動 | 落ちる |
fall down | collapse, fall down, slump | 動 | 倒れる |
false | artificial, fake, imitation, false | 形 | 人工の |
false | false, fake, forged | 形 | 偽の |
false | false, incorrect, wrong | 形 | 間違った |
familiar | common, familiar, ordinary, popular | 形 | ありふれた |
famous | famous, well-known, notorious | 形 | 有名な |
fancy | imagine,fancy,picture,fantasize,day.. | 動 | 想像する |
fantasize | imagine,fancy,picture,fantasize,day.. | 動 | 想像する |
far | distant, far, remote | 形 | 遠い |
fare | fee, toll, fare | 名 | 料金 |
farming | agriculture, farming | 名 | 農業 |
fashionable | fashionable, stylish, cool, trendy | 形 | 流行の |
fashionable | in fashion, fashionable, popular, prevalent | 形 | 流行ってる |
fast | early, fast, quick, rapid | 形 | はやい |
fat | fat, overweight, plump, obese | 形 | 太った |
fat | fat, thick | 形 | 太い |
fault | blame, fault | 名 | 責任 |
fault | defect, shortcoming, fault | 名 | 欠点 |
fault | mistake, error, fault | 名 | 間違い |
fear | fear, horror, terror | 名 | 恐怖 |
fear | worry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear | 動 | 心配する |
fearful | frightening, fearful, terrifying | 形 | 恐ろしい |
feature | characteristic, feature, trait | 名 | 特徴 |
fee | fee, toll, fare | 名 | 料金 |
fee | salary, charge, fee | 名 | 手当て |
feeble | weak, feeble, frail, faint | 形 | 弱い |
feel | believe, feel, imagine, think | 動 | 思う |
feeling | feeling, emotion, sentiment | 名 | 感情 |
feeling | atmosphere, aura, feeling | 名 | 雰囲気 |
few | few, a few, quite a few | 形 | 少ない |
few | few, little, bit | 形 | 少し、少々 |
few | few, little, scarce | 形 | 少ない |
fewer | fewer, less | 形 | 少しの |
fierce | fierce, severe, violent | 形 | 激しい |
fight | argue, debate, fight, quarrel | 動 | 議論する |
fight | fight, combat, battle | 動 | 戦う |
figure | form, shape, figure | 名 | 形 |
file | row, line, file, rank | 名 | 行列 |
film | movie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema | 名 | 映画 |
filthy | dirty, filthy, messy | 形 | 汚い |
finally | at last, finally, after all | 副 | とうとう |
find | discover, find, locate, track down | 動 | 見つける |
find | find, detect | 動 | 見つける |
fine | excellent, exquisite, fine | 形 | 優れた |
finish | end, finish, be over | 動 | 終わる |
finish | finish, end | 動 | 終える |
finish | finish, end, conclusion | 名 | 終わり |
fire | fire, lay off, dismiss | 動 | 解雇する |
fire | fire, flame | 名 | 火、炎 |
firm | firm, hard, solid | 形 | 固い |
firm | company, firm, enterprise, corporation | 名 | 会社 |
first | first, first of all, at first | 副 | 初めて |
first of all | first, first of all, at first | 副 | 初めて |
fit | fit, match, suit | 動 | 合う |
fit | suitable, fit, proper | 形 | 適した |
fix | decide, fix, determine | 動 | 決める |
fix | fix, repair, mend | 動 | 修理する |
flash | shine,flash,sparkle,twinkle,gleam,glare | 動 | 光る |
flavor | taste, flavor, savor | 名 | 味 |
floor | floor, ground, grounds | 名 | 床 |
fluffy | soft, fluffy, tender | 形 | 柔らかい |
flung | throw, cast, toss, flung | 動 | 投げる |
focus | concentrate, focus | 形 | 集中する |
follow | continue, last, ensue, follow | 動 | 続く |
follow | follow, pursue, chase | 動 | 追う |
food | food, dish, meal | 名 | 食事 |
foolish | foolish, stupid, silly | 形 | ばかな |
foot | foot, leg | 名 | 足、脚 |
for a long time | for a long time, in a long time | 副 | 長い間 |
for a while | a little while ago, for a while | 副 | 少しの間 |
for oneself | by oneself, for oneself | 副 | 自分で |
for the moment | at the moment,for the moment,for the time b.. | 副 | 今のところ |
for the time being | at the moment,for the moment,for the time b.. | 副 | 今のところ |
for this reason | for this reason, hence, thus, as a result, 他 | 副 | それで |
forbid | forbid, prohibit, ban | 動 | 禁止する |
force | force, compel | 動 | 強いる |
force | force, power | 名 | 力 |
forecast | forecast, prediction | 名 | 予想 |
foreign | foreign, alien | 形 | 外国の |
foreign | abroad, foreign, overseas | - | 海外 |
forest | wood, woods, forest | 名 | 森 |
forged | false, fake, forged | 形 | 偽の |
forget | forget, leave | 動 | 忘れる |
forget | forget, leave behind | 動 | 忘れる |
forgive | allow, permit, forgive | 動 | 許す |
forgive | apologize, forgive, excuse, pardon | 動 | 許す |
form | form, shape, figure | 名 | 形 |
former | former, late, deceased | 形 | 前の |
fortunate | lucky, fortunate, providential | 形 | 幸運な |
fortune | luck, fortune, chance | 名 | 運 |
fortune | property, estate, fortune | 名 | 財産 |
forward | impudent, cheeky, shameless, forward | 形 | 無神経な |
foundation | base, basis, foundation | 名 | 基礎 |
fragile | weak, faint, fragile | 形 | 弱い |
fragrance | fragrance, aroma, perfume | 名 | 香り |
frail | weak, feeble, frail, faint | 形 | 弱い |
freedom | freedom, liberty | 名 | 自由 |
freight | freight, cargo | 名 | 積荷 |
frequently | sometimes, often, frequently | 副 | 時々、しばしば |
fresh | fresh, new, recent | 形 | 新しい |
friend | friend, acquaintance | 名 | 友人 |
friendly | friendly, intimate, close | 形 | 親しい |
frighten | frighten, intimidate, scare, terrify | 動 | 怖がらせる |
frightening | frightening, fearful, terrifying | 形 | 恐ろしい |
from | of, from | 前 | ~で/~から |
from | from, since | 助 | ~から |
from now | in the future, in future, from now | 副 | 将来は |
from time to time | sometimes, now and then, from time to time,.. | 副 | 時々 |
fry | bake, fry, roast, grill | 動 | 焼く |
fun | fun, pleasant, enjoyable | 形 | 楽しい |
funny | interesting, funny | 形 | 面白い |
furthermore | besides, moreover, furthermore | 副 | その上 |