トップ > 英単語 Index《 C 》

英単語 Index《 C

calmcalm, mild, soft穏やかな
cancan, be able to~できる
capabilityability, talent, capability能力
capableable, capable, competent有能な
capacitycapacity, faculty, ability, talent能力
capacityqualification, capacity, license資格
careerjob, career, profession職業
carefreecarefree, careless, careful注意し‥
carefulcarefree, careless, careful注意し‥
carefulcareful, cautious, prudent, discreet慎重な
carefuldetailed, careful, close, 他綿密な
carelesscarefree, careless, careful注意し‥
carelesscareless, thoughtless, hasty, rash軽率な
cargofreight, cargo積荷
caricaturecomic strip, cartoon, caricature漫画
carry outcarry out, conduct, do, execute行う
cartooncomic strip, cartoon, caricature漫画
castthrow, toss, cast投げる
castthrow, cast, toss, flung投げる
catastrophedisaster, catastrophe, tragedy惨事
causecause, reason原因
cautionalert, caution, warn注意する
cautiouscareful, cautious, prudent, discreet慎重な
celebrationcelebration, party祝宴
centermiddle, center, heart中心
ceremonyceremony, ritual儀式
certainsure, certain, definite確かな
certainsure, confident, certain, positive確かな
certainlycertainly, surely確かに
certainlysure, certainlyいいですよ
chanceluck, fortune, chance
chanceopportunity, chance, occasion機会
changechange, alter, transform変える
changechange, improve, revise改める
changeinnovate, change変える
chaosconfusion, disorder, chaos混乱
charactercharacter, personality, temper性格
characteristiccharacteristic, feature, trait特徴
chargesalary, charge, fee手当て
chasefollow, pursue, chase追う
chattalk, conversation, chat, address
cheapcheap, inexpensive安い
cheatcheat, deceive, cover upごまかす
cheat oncheat on, betray, deceive裏切る
checkcheck, examine, inspect調べる
cheekyimpudent, cheeky, shameless, forward無神経な
cheerfulcheerful, cheery, lively, mirthful快活な
cheerfulbright, light, cheerful明るい
cheerfulcheerful, vigorous, spirited元気な
cheerycheerful, cheery, lively, mirthful快活な
chemicalmedicine, drug, chemical
chicken-heartedcowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy憶病な
chiefmain, chief, principal主な
childishchildish, childlike, immature幼い
childlikechildish, childlike, immature幼い
choosechoose, select, elect選ぶ
chopcut, chop, trim切る
chucklechuckle, giggle, laugh, snicker笑う
cinemamovie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema映画
circlegroup, circle集団
citytown, city
civilpolite, courteous, civil礼儀正しい
claimassert, claim, maintain, insist主張する
claimclaim, demand, require要求する
clandestinesecret, confidential, classified,他秘密の
clashcrash, clash, crush衝突する
classifiedsecret, confidential, classified,他秘密の
classifyput in order,tidy,straighten,classify,ar..整理する
clatterring, clatter, rustle鳴る
clearclear, apparent, obvious明らかな
clerkclerk, worker, secretary, receptionist事務員
cleverclever, intelligent, wiseかしこい
clientcustomer, clientお客
closeclose, shut閉める
closeclose, near, nearby近い
closedetailed, careful, close, 他綿密な
closefriendly, intimate, close親しい
clothesclothes, clothing, dress衣服
clothingclothes, clothing, dress衣服
clubclub, bar, pub酒場
coachteacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer先生
coastshore, coast海岸
collapsecollapse, fall down, slump倒れる
colleaguecolleague, coworker同僚
collectcollect, gather, assemble集める
collegecollege, university大学
combatfight, combat, battle戦う
combinationmixture, combination混合
comego, come行く
come outcome out, get out, go out出る
comic stripcomic strip, cartoon, caricature漫画
commentcomment, criticism, review, remark批評
commentcomment, remark発言
commoncommon, familiar, ordinary, popularありふれた
commonnormal, average, standard, 他通常の
companycompany, firm, enterprise, corporation会社
comparecompare, contrast比較する
compelforce, compel強いる
competecompete, contend, contest, rival争う
competentable, capable, competent有能な
competitioncontest, competition競技
completecomplete, perfect, absolute完全な
completelycompletely, absolutely完全に
complexcomplex, complicated, involved複雑な
complicatedcomplex, complicated, involved複雑な
concealhide, conceal, cover up隠す
concentrateconcentrate, focus集中する
conclusionfinish, end, conclusion終わり
conclusionresult, conclusion結果
conditionstate, condition, situation状態
conductcarry out, conduct, do, execute行う
conductact, action, behavior, conduct行動
conferenceconference, meeting会議
confer withconsult, confer with, consult with, talk with相談する
confidencetrust, confidence, reliance信頼
confidentsure, confident, certain, positive確かな
confidentialconfidential, personal, private個人の
confidentialsecret, confidential, classified,他秘密の
conflictcontroversy, conflict争い
confusedconfused, confusing混乱した
confusingconfused, confusing混乱した
confusionconfusion, disorder, chaos混乱
Congressassembly, parliament, Congress, the Diet議会
connectconnect, link, uniteつなぐ
conquerwin, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer勝つ
consecutivecontinuous, continual, constant, 他続く
consentagree, approve, consent同意する
consequenceresult, effect, consequence結果
consequentlyfor this reason, hence, thus, as a result, 他それで
considerthink, consider, regard考える
constantcontinuous, continual, constant, 他続く
constructbuild, construct, erect建てる
consultconsult, confer with, consult with, talk with相談する
consult withconsult, confer with, consult with, talk with相談する
containcontain, include含む
contaminatepollute, contaminate, make…dirty汚染する
contendcompete, contend, contest, rival争う
contentsatisfy, content満足させる
contestcontest, competition競技
contestcompete, contend, contest, rival争う
continualcontinuous, continual, constant, 他続く
continuecontinue, last, ensue, follow続く
continuouscontinuous, continual, constant, 他続く
contractagreement, contract契約
contrastcompare, contrast比較する
controlcontrol, manage, direct, handle操る
controversycontroversy, conflict争い
conversationtalk, conversation, chat, address
convincepersuade, convince納得させる
cookcook, make料理する
coolfashionable, stylish, cool, trendy流行の
copycopy, replica複製
copyimitate, copy, mimic, mock真似る
corporationcompany, firm, enterprise, corporation会社
correctright, correct, accurate正しい
costoutlay, cost, expenditureお金
costprice, value, cost, expense費用
counsellawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他弁護士
counselorlawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他弁護士
count ondepend on, rely on, count on頼る
countrycountry, countryside, province地方
countrycountry, nation, state
countrysidecountry, countryside, province地方
courageousbrave, bold, courageous勇敢な
courteouspolite, courteous, civil礼儀正しい
cover upcheat, deceive, cover upごまかす
cover uphide, conceal, cover up隠す
covertsecret, confidential, classified,他秘密の
cowardlycowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy憶病な
coworkercolleague, coworker同僚
crackhole, gap, crack, leak, puncture
crashcrash, clash, crush衝突する
crashcrash, wreck事故
cratercrater, opening, slot, space
crazycrazy, absorbed, addicted夢中な
createmake, build, create作る
crimecrime, sin, offense
crisisemergency, crisis危機
criticismcomment, criticism, review, remark批評
criticizecriticize, blame, accuse非難する
crowdcrowd, gather, get together, assemble集まる
crucialserious, grave, crucial重大な
cruelcruel, brutal, harsh残酷な
cruelterrible, awful, cruelひどい
crushcrash, clash, crush衝突する
crycry, weep, sob泣く
crycry, shout, scream叫ぶ
curiousstrange, curious, peculiar奇妙な
curtunsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他無愛想な
curvebend, twist, curve曲げる
customcustom, habit習慣
customtradition, custom習慣
customaryusual, customary, habitualいつもの
customercustomer, clientお客
cutcut, chop, trim切る
cutepretty, cute可愛い

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