トップ > 英単語 Index《 G 》

英単語 Index《 G

gainget, earn, gain, acquire, obtain手に入れる
gainbenefit, gain, profit利益
gamegame, match試合
gaphole, gap, crack, leak, puncture
garbagegarbage, wasteゴミ
gathercollect, gather, assemble集める
gathercrowd, gather, get together, assemble集まる
generatemanufacture, produce, generate生産する
gentlegentle, kind, tender優しい
genuinepure, genuine, solid, sincere純粋な
genuinetrue, real, actual, genuine本物の
getaccept, receive, get, take受け取る
getbuy, purchase, get買う
getget, earn, gain, acquire, obtain手に入れる
get inenter, go in, get in入る
get inget on/off, get in/out of乗る/降りる
get offget on/off, get in/out of乗る/降りる
get onget on/off, get in/out of乗る/降りる
get outcome out, get out, go out出る
get out ofget on/off, get in/out of乗る/降りる
get toarrive at, get to, reach到着する
get togethercrowd, gather, get together, assemble集まる
get used toused to, be used to , get used to慣れる
get wellrecover, get well, be cured, heal治る
giftpresent, gift贈り物
gigglechuckle, giggle, laugh, snicker笑う
gladhappy, glad嬉しい
gloomygloomy, blue, depressed, depressing憂鬱な
gogo, come行く
gogo, move, proceed移動する
go badgo bad, decay, rot, spoil腐る
go downfall, drop, go down落ちる
go for a walktake a walk, go for a walk散歩する
go inenter, go in, get in入る
go outcome out, get out, go out出る
gracefulelegant, graceful, modest上品な
graveserious, grave, crucial重大な
greatbig, large, huge, great大きい
greatlygreatly, largely大いに
grillbake, fry, roast, grill焼く
grinlaugh, smile, grin笑う
groundfloor, ground, grounds
groundsfloor, ground, grounds
groupgroup, circle集団
guaranteeassure, guarantee, insure保証する
guarddefend, guard, protect守る
guessthink, guess, suppose思う
guestguest, visitor来客
guideshow, guide, direct, lead案内する
gulpdrink, sip, gulp飲む

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