トップ英単語 Index《 P 》

英単語 Index《

packagepackage, parcel小包
pactpact, treaty条約
painache, pain痛み
pamperindulge, humor, pamper, spoil甘やかす
paperpaper, thesis, treatise, 他論文
parcelpackage, parcel小包
pardonapologize, forgive, excuse, pardon許す
parliamentassembly, parliament, Congress, the Diet議会
partpart, piece部分
participatejoin, participate, take part in, attend参加する
particularparticular, specific, peculiar, special特別の
particularlyespecially, particularly, specially特に
partnerstaff, employee, partner社員
partycelebration, party祝宴
pass awaydie, pass away/decease, be killed, perish死ぬ
passengeraudience, passengerお客
pastimehobby, pastime, interest趣味
patiencepatience, endurance忍耐
paysalary, wages, pay給料
patheticsad, unhappy, pathetic悲しい
peculiarparticular, specific, peculiar, special特別の
peculiarstrange, curious, peculiar奇妙な
peoplehumankind, people人々
perfectcomplete, perfect, absolute完全な
perfumefragrance, aroma, perfume香り
perhapsprobably, perhaps, maybe多分
periodperiod, era時代
perishdie, pass away/decease, be killed, perish死ぬ
permanenteternal, everlasting, permanent永遠の
permitallow, permit, forgive許す
permitpermit, license許可
persistinsist, persist主張する
personalconfidential, personal, private個人の
personalitycharacter, personality, temper性格
perspirationsweat, perspiration
persuadepersuade, convince納得させる
piecepart, piece部分
piecepiece, bit, slice, lump, sheetひとかけら
placeplace, location場所
placeput, set, place, lay置く
plaindistinct, evident, manifest, plain明らかな
plaineasy, simple, plainやさしい
planproject, plan, program, scheme計画
plan tobe going to, intend to, mean to, plan toするつもり
plantfactory, plant, mill, works工場
pleasantfun, pleasant, enjoyable楽しい
pleasantpleasant, pleasing, agreeable快い
pleasingpleasant, pleasing, agreeable快い
pleasurepleasure, joy喜び
plenty ofa lot of, plenty ofたくさんの
plumpfat, overweight, plump, obese太った
politepolite, courteous, civil礼儀正しい
politicianpolitician, statesman政治家
pollutepollute, contaminate, make…dirty汚染する
poorpoor, bad, unskillful下手な
popularcommon, familiar, ordinary, popularありふれた
popularin fashion, fashionable, popular, prevalent流行っている
poseposture, attitude, position, pose姿勢
positionposition, rank階級
positionposition, status, rank地位
positionposture, attitude, position, pose姿勢
positionstand, position立場
positivesure, confident, certain, positive確かな
possesshave, hold, own, possess持つ
postureposture, attitude, position, pose姿勢
powerforce, power
powerfulstrong, powerful, intense強い
practicepractice, rehearse, train練習する
preciousvaluable, precious, invaluable貴重な
predictionforecast, prediction予想
presentpresent, gift贈り物
pressask, press, urge, demand催促する
presspush, press, shove押す
pressingurgent, immediate, pressing, prompt早急の
pressurestress, pressure圧力
prestigereputation, prestige, name, image評判
presumepresume, assume推測する
prettypretty, quite, fairly, ratherかなり
prettylovely, pretty, sweetかわいい
prettypretty, cute可愛い
prevalentin fashion, fashionable, popular, prevalent流行ってる
preventprevent, block, interrupt妨げる
previouslybefore, earlier, previously, prior.. 他前に
priceprice, value, cost, expense費用
principalmain, chief, principal主な
prior tobefore, earlier, previously, prior.. 他前に
privateconfidential, personal, private個人の
prizeaward, prize, reward
probablyprobably, perhaps, maybe多分
problemissue, matter, problem, question問題
proceedgo, move, proceed移動する
producemanufacture, produce, generate生産する
professionjob, career, profession職業
professionprofession, occupation職業
profitbenefit, gain, profit利益
programproject, plan, program, scheme計画
progressadvance, progress, develop進歩する
prohibitforbid, prohibit, ban禁止する
projectproject, plan, program, scheme計画
promisepromise, engagement, appointment約束
prompturgent, immediate, pressing, prompt早急の
promptlyshortly, promptly, immediately, instantlyすぐに
proofevidence, proof, testimony証拠
propersuitable, fit, proper適した
propertyproperty, estate, fortune財産
proposesuggest, propose提案する
prosecuteaccuse, sue, prosecute訴える
prospectoutlook, prospect見通し
protectdefend, guard, protect守る
proverbproverb, saying格言
providentiallucky, fortunate, providential幸運な
provincecountry, countryside, province地方
prudentcareful, cautious, prudent, discreet慎重な
psychiatrypsychology, psychiatry心理学
psychologypsychology, psychiatry心理学
psychiatrypsychology, psychiatry心理学
psychologypsychology, psychiatry心理学
pubclub, bar, pub酒場
pullpull, draw, drag引く
puncturehole, gap, crack, leak, puncture
pupilstudent, pupil学生
purchasebuy, purchase, get買う
purepure, genuine, solid, sincere純粋な
purposepurpose, aim, objective目的
pursuefollow, pursue, chase追う
pushpush, press, shove押す
putput, set, place, lay置く
put in orderput in order,tidy,straighten,classify,ar..整理する
put onwear, put on着る
put up withbear, endure, put up with, stand, tolerate耐える
puzzlepuzzle, riddle難題

トップP/接続詞/副 詞/動 詞/形容詞/名 詞/時 間/場 所/前置詞/その他

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