トップ > 英単語 Index《 T 》

英単語 Index《 T

tacticstrategy, tactic戦略
takeaccept, receive, get, take受け取る
taketake, bring連れて行く
take a walktake a walk, go for a walk散歩する
take advantage ofuse, utilize, take advantage of使う
take part injoin, participate, take part in, attend参加する
take placebreak out, take place起こる
talentability, talent, capability能力
talentcapacity, faculty, ability, talent能力
talksay, speak, talk, tell話す
talktalk, conversation, chat, address
talk aboutdiscuss, talk about話し合う
talk withconsult, confer with, consult with, talk with相談する
tallhigh, tall, lofty高い
tamequiet, mild, obedient, tameおとなしい
tastetaste, flavor, savor
tastydelicious, tasty美味しい
teachteach, tell, show教える
teachteach, train, educate教える
techniquetechnique, skill, art, technology技術
technologytechnique, skill, art, technology技術
tellnotify, tell伝える
tellsay, speak, talk, tell話す
tellteach, tell, show教える
telltell, distinguish, differentiate, discriminate区別する
tempercharacter, personality, temper性格
temperatehot, warm, temperate温かい
tendencytrend, tendency, inclination傾向
tendergentle, kind, tender優しい
tendersoft, fluffy, tender柔らかい
terribleterrible, awful, cruelひどい
terrifyfrighten, intimidate, scare, terrify怖がらせる
terrifyingfrightening, fearful, terrifying恐ろしい
terrorfear, horror, terror恐怖
testtry, attempt, test試みる
testtest, trial, examinationテスト
testimonyevidence, proof, testimony証拠
that代名詞 it と that の違いと使い分けそれ
thatthat, which関係代名詞
that's whyIt's because, That's whyだから~
the moviesmovie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema映画
themesubject, topic, theme主題
thenand, then, soそれで
thereforeso, thereforeそれで
these daysthese days, recently, lately最近
thesispaper, thesis, treatise, 他論文
thickfat, thick太い
thickstrong, thick, dense濃い
thiefthief, robber泥棒
thinthin, slim, slender細い
thinthin, weak, light薄い
thinkbelieve, feel, imagine, think思う
thinkthink, consider, regard考える
thinkthink, guess, suppose思う
thinkingidea, thought, thinking考え
thoughalthough, thoughだけれど
thoughtidea, thought, thinking考え
thoughtlesscareless, thoughtless, hasty, rash軽率な
throwthrow, toss, cast投げる
throwthrow, cast, toss, flung投げる
throw awayabandon, dump, throw away捨てる
throw awaywaste, misuse, throw away, squander無駄にする
thusfor this reason, hence, thus, as a result, 他それで
tidyput in order,tidy,straighten,classify,ar..整理する
tierelation, relationship, tie関係
tillby, until, tillまで
timidcowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy憶病な
tinysmall, little, tiny小さい
tiredtired, exhausted, weary疲れた
tirelessenergetic, hyperactive, dynamic, tireless活動的な
toiletbathroom, toiletトイレ
toleratebear, endure, put up with, stand, tolerate耐える
tollfee, toll, fare料金
tonesound, noise, tone
tooalso, too, as well~もまた
toovery, so, tooとても、非常に
toolinstrument, tool, kit道具
topicsubject, topic, theme主題
tossthrow, toss, cast投げる
tossthrow, cast, toss, flung投げる
totalsum, total合計
towntown, city
track downdiscover, find, locate, track down見つける
traditiontradition, custom習慣
tragedydisaster, catastrophe, tragedy惨事
trainteach, train, educate教える
trainpractice, rehearse, train練習する
trainerteacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer先生
trainingdrill, exercise, training訓練
traitcharacteristic, feature, trait特徴
transformchange, alter, transform変える
translateinterpret, translate通訳する
traveljourney, trip, travel旅行
treathandle, treat, deal扱う
treatisepaper, thesis, treatise, 他論文
treatypact, treaty条約
trembleshake, tremble, shudder震える
trendtrend, tendency, inclination傾向
trendyfashionable, stylish, cool, trendy流行の
trialtest, trial, examinationテスト
trimcut, chop, trim切る
tripjourney, trip, travel旅行
triptrip, vacation旅行
trivialboring, dull, trivialつまらない
troublebother, trouble, annoy悩ます
truetrue, real, actual, genuine本物の
trustbelieve, believe in, trust信じる
trusttrust, confidence, reliance信頼
trytry, attempt, test試みる
turnturn, rotate回転する
turnturn, spin, revolve回る
tutorteacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer先生
twistbend, twist, curve曲げる
typekind, type種類

トップP/接続詞/副 詞/動 詞/形容詞/名 詞/時 間/場 所/前置詞/その他

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