tactic | strategy, tactic | 名 | 戦略 |
take | accept, receive, get, take | 動 | 受け取る |
take | take, bring | 動 | 連れて行く |
take a walk | take a walk, go for a walk | 動 | 散歩する |
take advantage of | use, utilize, take advantage of | 動 | 使う |
take part in | join, participate, take part in, attend | 動 | 参加する |
take place | break out, take place | 動 | 起こる |
talent | ability, talent, capability | 名 | 能力 |
talent | capacity, faculty, ability, talent | 名 | 能力 |
talk | say, speak, talk, tell | 動 | 話す |
talk | talk, conversation, chat, address | 名 | 話 |
talk about | discuss, talk about | 動 | 話し合う |
talk with | consult, confer with, consult with, talk with | 動 | 相談する |
tall | high, tall, lofty | 形 | 高い |
tally | agree,correspond,accord,coincide,tally | 動 | 一致する |
tame | quiet, mild, obedient, tame | 形 | おとなしい |
taste | taste, flavor, savor | 名 | 味 |
tasty | delicious, tasty | 形 | 美味しい |
teach | teach, tell, show | 動 | 教える |
teach | teach, train, educate | 動 | 教える |
teacher | teacher,tutor,instructor,coach,trainer | 名 | 先生 |
technique | technique, skill, art, technology | 名 | 技術 |
technology | technique, skill, art, technology | 名 | 技術 |
tell | notify, tell | 動 | 伝える |
tell | say, speak, talk, tell | 動 | 話す |
tell | teach, tell, show | 動 | 教える |
tell | tell, distinguish, differentiate, discriminate | 動 | 区別する |
temper | character, personality, temper | 名 | 性格 |
temperate | hot, warm, temperate | 形 | 温かい |
temporary | temporary,makeshift,tentative,pro.. | 形 | 仮の |
tendency | trend, tendency, inclination | 名 | 傾向 |
tender | gentle, kind, tender | 形 | 優しい |
tender | soft, fluffy, tender | 形 | 柔らかい |
tentative | temporary,makeshift,tentative,pro.. | 形 | 仮の |
terrible | terrible, awful, cruel | 形 | ひどい |
terrify | frighten, intimidate, scare, terrify | 動 | 怖がらせる |
terrifying | frightening, fearful, terrifying | 形 | 恐ろしい |
terror | fear, horror, terror | 名 | 恐怖 |
test | try, attempt, test | 動 | 試みる |
test | test, trial, examination | 名 | テスト |
testimony | evidence, proof, testimony | 名 | 証拠 |
that | 代名詞 it と that の違いと使い分け | 代 | それ |
that | that, which | - | 関係代名詞 |
that's why | It's because, That's why | 名 | だから~ |
the movies | movie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema | 名 | 映画 |
theme | subject, topic, theme | 名 | 主題 |
then | and, then, so | 接 | それで |
therefore | so, therefore | 接 | それで |
these days | these days, recently, lately | 副 | 最近 |
thesis | paper, thesis, treatise, 他 | 名 | 論文 |
thick | fat, thick | 形 | 太い |
thick | strong, thick, dense | 形 | 濃い |
thief | thief, robber | 名 | 泥棒 |
thin | thin, slim, slender | 形 | 細い |
thin | thin, weak, light | 形 | 薄い |
think | believe, feel, imagine, think | 動 | 思う |
think | think, consider, regard | 動 | 考える |
think | think, guess, suppose | 動 | 思う |
thinking | idea, thought, thinking | 名 | 考え |
though | although, though | 接 | だけれど |
thought | idea, thought, thinking | 名 | 考え |
thoughtless | careless, thoughtless, hasty, rash | 形 | 軽率な |
throw | throw, toss, cast | 動 | 投げる |
throw | throw, cast, toss, flung | 動 | 投げる |
throw away | abandon, dump, throw away | 動 | 捨てる |
throw away | waste, misuse, throw away, squander | 動 | 無駄にする |
thus | for this reason, hence, thus, as a result, 他 | 副 | それで |
tidy | put in order,tidy,straighten,classify,ar.. | 動 | 整理する |
tie | relation, relationship, tie | 名 | 関係 |
till | by, until, till | 前 | まで |
timid | cowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy | 形 | 憶病な |
tiny | small, little, tiny | 形 | 小さい |
tired | tired, exhausted, weary | 形 | 疲れた |
tireless | energetic, hyperactive, dynamic, tireless | 形 | 活動的な |
toilet | bathroom, toilet | 名 | トイレ |
tolerate | bear, endure, put up with, stand, tolerate | 動 | 耐える |
toll | fee, toll, fare | 名 | 料金 |
tone | sound, noise, tone | 名 | 音 |
too | also, too, as well | 副 | ~もまた |
too | tooとenoughの使い分け | 形 | 十分な |
too | very, so, too | 副 | とても、非常に |
tool | instrument, tool, kit | 名 | 道具 |
tool | instrument,appliance,apparatus,implement,tool | 名 | 器具 |
topic | subject, topic, theme | 名 | 主題 |
toss | throw, toss, cast | 動 | 投げる |
toss | throw, cast, toss, flung | 動 | 投げる |
total | sum, total | 名 | 合計 |
town | town, city | 名 | 街 |
track down | discover, find, locate, track down | 動 | 見つける |
tradition | tradition, custom | 名 | 習慣 |
tragedy | disaster, catastrophe, tragedy | 名 | 惨事 |
train | teach, train, educate | 動 | 教える |
train | practice, rehearse, train | 動 | 練習する |
trainer | teacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer | 名 | 先生 |
training | drill, exercise, training | 名 | 訓練 |
trait | characteristic, feature, trait | 名 | 特徴 |
transform | change, alter, transform | 動 | 変える |
translate | interpret, translate | 動 | 通訳する |
travel | journey, trip, travel | 名 | 旅行 |
treat | handle, treat, deal | 動 | 扱う |
treatise | paper, thesis, treatise, 他 | 名 | 論文 |
treaty | pact, treaty | 名 | 条約 |
tremble | shake, tremble, shudder | 動 | 震える |
trend | trend, tendency, inclination | 名 | 傾向 |
trendy | fashionable, stylish, cool, trendy | 形 | 流行の |
trial | test, trial, examination | 名 | テスト |
trim | cut, chop, trim | 動 | 切る |
trip | journey, trip, travel | 名 | 旅行 |
trip | trip, vacation | 名 | 旅行 |
trivial | boring, dull, trivial | 形 | つまらない |
trouble | bother, trouble, annoy | 動 | 悩ます |
true | true, real, actual, genuine | 形 | 本物の |
trust | believe, believe in, trust | 動 | 信じる |
trust | trust, confidence, reliance | 名 | 信頼 |
try | try, attempt, test | 動 | 試みる |
turn | turn, rotate | 動 | 回転する |
turn | turn, spin, revolve | 動 | 回る |
tutor | teacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer | 名 | 先生 |
twinkle | shine,flash,sparkle,twinkle,gleam,glare | 動 | 光る |
twist | bend, twist, curve | 動 | 曲げる |
type | kind, type | 名 | 種類 |