トップ>英単語 Index《 I 》

英単語 Index《 I

I hopeI hope, I wishだといいね
I wishI hope, I wishだといいね
ideaidea, thought, thinking考え
identicalequal, identical, equivalent同等の
idlelazy, idle, indolent怠ける
ifif, in case of, on condition thatもし
ifwhether, if~かどうか
illbad, evil, wicked, ill悪い
illsick, ill病気の
ill-manneredrude, impolite, ill-mannered, uncivil失礼な
illnesssickness, illness, disease病気
illogicalirrational, unreasonable, illogical, 他不合理な
I'm excitedI'm exciting, I'm excited面白い
I'm excitingI'm exciting, I'm excited面白い
imagereputation, prestige, name, image評判
imaginaryimaginative, imaginary想像の
imaginativeimaginative, imaginary想像の
imaginebelieve, feel, imagine, think思う
imitateimitate, copy, mimic, mock真似ぐる
imitationartificial, fake, imitation, false人工の
immaturechildish, childlike, immature幼い
immediateurgent, immediate, pressing, prompt早急の
immediatelysoon, immediately, at once すぐに
immediatelyshortly, promptly, immediately, instantlyすぐに
immensehuge, enormous, immense巨大な
immigratemigrate, emigrate, immigrate移住する
implyhint, imply, insinuate, suggestほのめかす
implymean, imply, indicate意味する
impoliterude, impolite, ill-mannered, uncivil失礼な
improvechange, improve, revise改める
improveenhance, make better, improve良くする
improveinvent, develop, improve発明する
impudentimpudent, cheeky, shameless, forward無神経な
inafter, later, inあとで
inafter, later, inあとで
in a long timefor a long time, in a long time長い間
in advancebefore, earlier, previously, prior.. 他前に
In case ofIn case of, In the case of~の場合
in case ofif, in case of, on condition thatもし
inadequatenot enough, insufficient, inadequate不十分な
incentiveincentive, motive動機
incidentevent, accident, incident出来事
inclinationtrend, tendency, inclination傾向
includecontain, include含む
incorrectfalse, incorrect, wrong間違った
increaseincrease, multiply, rise増える
indicatedemonstrate, indicate, reveal, show示す
indicatemean, imply, indicate意味する
indispensablenecessary, essential, indispensable必要な
indolentlazy, idle, indolent怠ける
indulgeindulge, humor, pamper, spoil甘やかす
industrialindustrial, industrious工業の
industriousindustrial, industrious工業の
inexpensivecheap, inexpensive安い
influenceaffect, influence影響を与える
informinform, let (a person) know, tell/notify知らせる
informationinformation, data情報
infrequentrare, infrequent, uncommon, unusual珍しい
in fashionin fashion, fashionable, popular, prevalent流行ってる
in front ofbefore, in front of~の前
in futurein the future, in future, from now将来は
ingenuousinnocent, ingenuous, naive無邪気な
injuredamage, harm, hurt, injure傷つける
injureinjure, hurt, wound傷つける
injuryinjury, wound
innhotel, innホテル
innocentinnocent, ingenuous, naive無邪気な
innovateinnovate, change変える
in particularspecifically, in particular, notably特に
inquiryexamination, inquiry, inspection検査
insectinsect, bug, worm, moth
in shortin short, anywayとにかく
insinuatehint, imply, insinuate, suggestほのめかす
insistassert, claim, maintain, insist主張する
insistinsist, persist主張する
inspectcheck, examine, inspect調べる
inspectionexamination, inquiry, inspection検査
inspireexcite, inspire刺激する
in spite ofdespite, in spite ofにもかかわらず
instantlyshortly, promptly, immediately, instantlyすぐに
instituteinstitute, institution組織
institutioninstitute, institution組織
instructorteacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer先生
instrumentinstrument, tool, kit道具
insufficientnot enough, insufficient, inadequate不十分な
insureassure, guarantee, insure保証する
intelligentclever, intelligent, wiseかしこい
intend tobe going to, intend to, mean to, plan toするつもり
intensestrong, powerful, intense強い
interesthobby, pastime, interest趣味
interestinginteresting, exciting, amusingおもしろい
interestinginteresting, funny面白い
interpretinterpret, translate通訳する
interruptprevent, block, interrupt妨げる
In the case ofIn case of, In the case of~の場合
in the course ofduring, over, within, all through,..~の間
in the futurein the future, in future, from now将来は
intimatefriendly, intimate, close親しい
intimidatefrighten, intimidate, scare, terrify怖がらせる
invaluablevaluable, precious, invaluable貴重な
inventinvent, develop, improve発明する
investsave, deposit, invest蓄える
investigationinvestigation, survey, research調査
involvedcomplex, complicated, involved複雑な
ironyirony, sarcasm, satire皮肉
irrationalirrational, unreasonable, illogical, 他不合理な
irresponsibleirresponsible, unreliable, halfhearted, sloppyいい加減な
irritatednervous, irritated神経質な
issueissue, matter, problem, question問題
it代名詞 it と that の違いと使い分けそれ
it dependsdepend on, it depends, up to〜による
itsits, it'sその
it'sits, it'sその
It's becauseIt's because, That's whyだから~

トップP/接続詞/副 詞/動 詞/形容詞/名 詞/時 間/場 所/前置詞/その他

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