トップ>英単語 Index《 M 》

英単語 Index《 M

madangry, mad, upset怒って
mainmain, chief, principal主な
maintainassert, claim, maintain, insist主張する
maintainmaintain, keep up, sustain, uphold維持する
makemake, build, create作る
makemake, have, let / make, let~させる
makecook, make料理する
make betterenhance, make better, improve良くする
make…dirtypollute, contaminate, make…dirty汚染する
makermaker, manufacturerメーカー
managecontrol, manage, direct, handle操る
manageremployer, boss, manager雇い主
manifestdistinct, evident, manifest, plain明らかな
mannermanner, etiquette作法
manufacturemanufacture, produce, generate生産する
manufacturermaker, manufacturerメーカー
manymany, much, a lot of多い
marriagemarriage, wedding結婚
matchfit, match, suit合う
matchgame, match試合
materialmaterial, substance, stuff材料
matterissue, matter, problem, question問題
maybeprobably, perhaps, maybe多分
mealfood, dish, meal食事
meanmean, imply, indicate意味する
mean tobe going to, intend to, mean to, plan toするつもり
meaningmeaning, definition意味
meansmeasure, means, way手段
meanwhilemeanwhile,on the other hand,while,whereas接/副一方で
measuremeasure, means, way手段
medicinemedicine, drug, chemical
meetsee, meet会う
meetingconference, meeting会議
melancholylonely, melancholy, desolate寂しい
meltmelt, dissolve, defrost溶ける
mendfix, repair, mend修理する
messydirty, filthy, messy汚い
methodmethod, way方法
middlemiddle, center, heart中心
migratemigrate, emigrate, immigrate移住する
mildcalm, mild, soft穏やかな
mildquiet, mild, obedient, tameおとなしい
millfactory, plant, mill, works工場
mimicimitate, copy, mimic, mock真似る
mindheart, mind, spirit, soul
minutedetailed, careful, close, 他綿密な
mirthfulcheerful, cheery, lively, mirthful快活な
mistakemistake, error, fault間違い
misusewaste, misuse, throw away, squander無駄にする
mixturemixture, combination混合
mockimitate, copy, mimic, mock真似る
moderatemodest, moderate, reserved控えめの
modestelegant, graceful, modest上品な
modestmodest, moderate, reserved控えめの
moisthumid, moist, damp湿った
moreoverbesides, moreover, furthermoreその上
mothinsect, bug, worm, moth
motion picturemovie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema映画
motiveincentive, motive動機
movego, move, proceed移動する
moviemovie,motion picture,film,the movies/cinema映画
muchmany, much, a lot of多い
multiplyincrease, multiply, rise増える
murderkill, murder, slaughter殺す
muscularsolid, muscular, sturdyたくましい
mustmust, have toしなければならない

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