トップ>英単語 Index《 H 》

英単語 Index《 H

habitcustom, habit習慣
habitualusual, customary, habitualいつもの
halfheartedirresponsible, unreliable, halfhearted, sloppyいい加減な
hand insubmit, hand in提出する
handlecontrol, manage, direct, handle操る
handlehandle, treat, deal扱う
handyuseful, helpful, handy役に立つ
happenhappen, occur起こる
happyhappy, glad嬉しい
harddifficult, hardむずかしい
hardfirm, hard, solid固い
hardlybarely, hardly, rarely, scarcelyほとんど~ない
hardlyrarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他めったに~しない
hardly everrarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他めったに~しない
harmdamage, harm, hurt, injure傷つける
harmonybalance, harmony, symmetry釣り合い
harshcruel, brutal, harsh残酷な
harshsevere, strict, harshきびしい
harvestharvest, reap収穫する
hastycareless, thoughtless, hasty, rash軽率な
havemake, have, let / make, let~させる
havehave, hold, own, possess持つ
have tomust, have toしなければならない
hazarddanger, risk, hazard危険
hazardousdangerous, risky, hazardous危ない
headstrongstubborn, obstinate, headstrong強情な
healrecover, get well, be cured, heal治る
healthfulhealthful, healthy健康な
healthyhealthy, sound, wholesome健康な
healthyhealthful, healthy健康な
hearhear, listen to聞く
heartheart, mind, spirit, soul
heartmiddle, center, heart中心
helphelp, assist, rescue, save助ける
helperassistant, helper助っ人
helpfuluseful, helpful, handy役に立つ
hencefor this reason, hence, thus, as a result, 他それで
hidehide, conceal, cover up隠す
highhigh, tall, lofty高い
hinthint, imply, insinuate, suggestほのめかす
hireemploy, hire, recruit雇う
hithit, beat, strike打つ
hobbyhobby, pastime, interest趣味
holdhave, hold, own, possess持つ
holehole, gap, crack, leak, puncture
holidayholiday, vacation, day off休暇
homehouse, home家、家庭
hopeexpect, hope, wish期待する
hopeexpectation, hope希望
hopelessnessdespair, hopelessness絶望
horrorfear, horror, terror恐怖
hothot, warm, temperate温かい
hotelhotel, innホテル
househouse, home家、家庭
howwhat, how疑問詞
howeverhowever, butしかし
hugebig, large, huge, great大きい
hugehuge, enormous, immense巨大な
humankindhumankind, people人々
humidhumid, moist, damp湿った
humiliatedistress, embarrass, humiliate, shame困らせる
humorhumor, wit, joke面白いこと
humorindulge, humor, pamper, spoil甘やかす
huntlook for, search, seek, hunt探す
hurtdamage, harm, hurt, injure傷つける
hurtinjure, hurt, wound傷つける
hush-hushsecret, confidential, classified,他秘密の
hyperactiveenergetic, hyperactive, dynamic, tireless活動的な

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