トップ英単語 Index《 U 》

英単語 Index《

umpireumpire, referee, judge審判
uncivilrude, impolite, ill-mannered, uncivil失礼な
uncommonrare, infrequent, uncommon, unusual珍しい
undercoversecret, confidential, classified,他秘密の
understandknow, learn, realize, understand知る
unexpectedlysuddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly突然に
unfriendlyunsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他無愛想な
unhappysad, unhappy, pathetic悲しい
uninteresteduninterested, disinterested無関心な
uniteconnect, link, uniteつなぐ
universitycollege, university大学
unknownnot clear, unknown, obscure不明の
unreasonableirrational, unreasonable, illogical, 他不合理な
unreliableirresponsible, unreliable, halfhearted, sloppyいい加減な
unskillfulpoor, bad, unskillful下手な
unsociableunsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他無愛想な
untidysloppy, untidy, slovenly, slipshodだらしない
untilby, until, tillまで
until nowuntil now, so farこれまで
unusualabnormal, unusual, extraordinary異常な
unusualrare, infrequent, uncommon, unusual珍しい
up todepend on, it depends, up to〜による
upholdmaintain, keep up, sustain, uphold維持する
upsetangry, mad, upset怒って
urgeask, press, urge, demand催促する
urgenturgent, immediate, pressing, prompt早急の
useuse, spend, employ使う
useuse, utilize, take advantage of使う
used toused to, be used to , get used to慣れる
usefuluseful, helpful, handy役に立つ
usualusual, customary, habitualいつもの
utilizeuse, utilize, take advantage of使う
utterlyentirely, utterly完全に

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