トップ>英単語 Index《 B 》

英単語 Index《 B

badbad, evil, wicked, ill悪い
badpoor, bad, unskillful下手な
baggageluggage, baggageスーツケース
bakebake, fry, roast, grill焼く
balancebalance, harmony, symmetry釣り合い
balancedfair, equitable, balanced, even-handed公平な
banforbid, prohibit, ban禁止する
barclub, bar, pub酒場
barebare, naked, nude裸の
barelybarely, hardly, rarely, scarcelyほとんど~ない
bargainbargain, negotiate交渉する
barrierbarrier, obstacle, difficulty障害
barristerlawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他弁護士
basebase, basis, foundation基礎
basisbase, basis, foundation基礎
bathroombathroom, toiletトイレ
battlefight, combat, battle戦う
be able tocan, be able to~できる
be afraidworry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear心配する
be afraid ofbe scared, be afraid of怖い
be amazedbe surprised/astonished/amazed/startled驚く
be anxiousworry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear心配する
be astonishedbe surprised/astonished/amazed/startled驚く
be concernedworry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear心配する
be curedrecover, get well, be cured, heal治る
be disappointedbe disappointed, be discouragedがっかりする
be discouragedbe disappointed, be discouragedがっかりする
be fond oflike, be fond of, love好きである
be going towill, be going toでしょう
be going tobe going to, intend to, mean to, plan toするつもり
be killeddie, pass away/decease, be killed, perish死ぬ
be leftremain, survive, be left残る
be living inlive in, be living in の違いと使い分け住む
be looking forwardbe looking forward, look forward楽しみに待つ
be overend, finish, be over終わる
be scaredbe scared, be afraid of怖い
be startledbe surprised/astonished/amazed/startled驚く
be surprisedbe surprised/astonished/amazed/startled驚く
be used toused to, be used to , get used to慣れる
bearbear, endure, put up with, stand, tolerate耐える
beathit, beat, strike打つ
beatwin, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer勝つ
becauseas, since, because~なので
beforebefore, ago~前に
beforebefore, in front of~の前
beforebefore, earlier, previously, prior.. 他前に
beforehandbefore, earlier, previously, prior.. 他前に
beginbegin, start, break out始まる
beginningbeginning, start, origin始め
behavioract, action, behavior, conduct行動
beliefbelief, faith, religion信仰
believebelieve, believe in, trust信じる
believebelieve, feel, imagine, think思う
believe inbelieve, believe in, trust信じる
bendbend, twist, curve曲げる
benefitbenefit, gain, profit利益
besideby, beside, near~のそばに
besidesbesides, moreover, furthermoreその上
betraycheat on, betray, deceive裏切る
betweenamong, between~の間に
bigbig, large, huge, great大きい
bitfew, little, bit少し、少々
bitpiece, bit, slice, lump, sheetひとかけら
blamecriticize, blame, accuse非難する
blameblame, fault責任
blockprevent, block, interrupt妨げる
bluegloomy, blue, depressed, depressing憂鬱な
bluffunsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他無愛想な
bluntunsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他無愛想な
boilboil, stew, simmer煮る
boldbrave, bold, courageous勇敢な
bookbook, reserve予約する
borderboundary, border境界
boringboring, dull, trivialつまらない
borrowborrow, rent, lease借りる
borrowborrow, lend, loan, rent借りる
bossemployer, boss, manager雇い主
bothall, both, every, eachすべて
botherbother, trouble, annoy悩ます
boundaryboundary, border境界
boyfriend/girlfriendlover, boyfriend/girlfriend, steady恋人
bravebrave, bold, courageous勇敢な
breakbreak, destroy, demolish壊す
break outbegin, start, break out始まる
break outbreak out, take place起こる
brieflybriefly, shortly手短に
brightbright, light, cheerful明るい
bringtake, bring連れて行く
brisklyquickly, rapidly, speedily, briskly速く
broadwide, broad, vast広い
brutalcruel, brutal, harsh残酷な
buginsect, bug, worm, moth
buildbuild, construct, erect建てる
buildmake, build, create作る
buthowever, butしかし
buybuy, purchase, get買う
byby, beside, near~のそばに
byby, until, tillまで
bybefore, earlier, previously, prior.. 他前に
by oneselfby oneself, for oneself自分で
by the wayanyway, by the wayところで

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