トップ > 英単語 Index《 N 》

英単語 Index《 N

naiveinnocent, ingenuous, naive無邪気な
nakedbare, naked, nude裸の
namereputation, prestige, name, image評判
narrownarrow, small狭い
nationcountry, nation, state
nearclose, near, nearby近い
nearby, beside, near~のそばに
nearbyclose, near, nearby近い
nearlyalmost, nearlyほとんど
necessarynecessary, essential, indispensable必要な
negotiatebargain, negotiate交渉する
nervousnervous, irritated神経質な
neverrarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他めったに~しない
newfresh, new, recent新しい
noisesound, noise, tone
nonprofessionalamateur, nonprofessional, dilettante, dabblerアマチュア
normalnormal, average, standard, 他通常の
not clearnot clear, unknown, obscure不明の
not enoughnot enough, insufficient, inadequate不十分な
not oftenrarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他めったに~しない
notablyspecifically, in particular, notably特に
noticerealize, recognize, notice気づく
noticeablenoticeable, remarkable, outstanding, striking顕著な
notifynotify, tell伝える
notoriousfamous, well-known, notorious有名な
now and thensometimes, now and then, from time to time,..時々
nudebare, naked, nude裸の

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