トップ > 英単語 Index《 W 》

英単語 Index《 W

wagessalary, wages, pay給料
wantlack, want, shortage不足
wantwant, wish欲する
wantwant, would like to~したい
warmhot, warm, temperate温かい
warnalert, caution, warn注意する
wastegarbage, wasteゴミ
wastewaste, misuse, throw away, squander無駄にする
watchsee, look, watch見る
waymeasure, means, way手段
waymethod, way方法
weakthin, weak, light薄い
weakweak, faint, fragile弱い
weakweak, feeble, frail, faint弱い
weakenlower, relieve, weaken小さくする
wealthyrich, wealthy, abundant豊かな
weaponweapon, arms兵器
wearwear, put on着る
wearytired, exhausted, weary疲れた
weddingmarriage, wedding結婚
weepcry, weep, sob泣く
weirdstrange, odd, weird変な
well-knownfamous, well-known, notorious有名な
whatwhat, how疑問詞
whereasmeanwhile,on the other hand,while,whereas接/副一方で
whetherwhether, if~かどうか
whichthat, which関係代名詞
whilemeanwhile,on the other hand,while,whereas接/副一方で
whilewhile, during~の間
wholeall, entire, wholeすべて
wholeall, whole全部の
wholesomehealthy, sound, wholesome健康な
wickedbad, evil, wicked, ill悪い
widewide, broad, vast広い
willwill, be going toでしょう
winwin, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer勝つ
wiseclever, intelligent, wiseかしこい
wishexpect, wish, anticipate期待する
wishexpect, hope, wish期待する
wishwant, wish欲する
withumor, wit, joke面白いこと
withinduring, over, within, all through,..~の間
withoutexcept, without~以外で
woodwood, woods, forest
woodswood, woods, forest
workstudy, learn, work勉強する
workwork, labor, serve働く
workwork, job, occupation仕事
workerclerk, worker, secretary, receptionist事務員
worksfactory, plant, mill, works工場
worminsect, bug, worm, moth
worryworry, be anxious, be concerned, be afraid/fear心配する
worthworth, value価値
would like towant, would like to~したい
woundinjury, wound
wreckcrash, wreck事故
wrongfalse, incorrect, wrong間違った

トップP/接続詞/副 詞/動 詞/形容詞/名 詞/時 間/場 所/前置詞/その他

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