トップ > 英単語 Index《 O 》

英単語 Index《 O

obedientquiet, mild, obedient, tameおとなしい
obesefat, overweight, plump, obese太った
objectivepurpose, aim, objective目的
obligationduty, obligation, liability義務
obscureambiguous, obscure, vagueあいまいな
obscurenot clear, unknown, obscure不明の
obstaclebarrier, obstacle, difficulty障害
obstinatestubborn, obstinate, headstrong強情な
obtainget, earn, gain, acquire, obtain手に入れる
obviousclear, apparent, obvious明らかな
obviouslyapparently, obviouslyどうも~だ
occasionopportunity, chance, occasion機会
occasionallyrarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他めったに~しない
occasionallysometimes, now and then, from time to time,..時々
occupationprofession, occupation職業
occupationwork, job, occupation仕事
occurhappen, occur起こる
oceansea, ocean
oddstrange, odd, weird変な
ofof, from~で/~から
ofcoursedefinitely, of course, exactlyその通り
offensecrime, sin, offense
oftensometimes, often, frequently時々、しばしば
oldold, ancient, antique, old-fashioned古い
old-fashionedold, ancient, antique, old-fashioned古い
on condition thatif, in case of, on condition thatもし
on purposeconsciously,deliberately,intentionally,knowingly,..故意に
on the other handmeanwhile,on the other hand,while,whereas接/副一方で
once in a whilesometimes, now and then, from time to time,..時々
openingcrater, opening, slot, space
opponentenemy, opponent
opportunityopportunity, chance, occasion機会
orderask, order, request頼む
ordinarycommon, familiar, ordinary, popularありふれた
ordinarynormal, average, standard, 他通常の
originbeginning, start, origin始め
originorigin, source, root根源
otheranother, other, others他の
othersanother, other, others他の
outlayoutlay, cost, expenditureお金
outlinesummary, outline要約
outlookoutlook, prospect見通し
outsideroutsider, strangerよそ者
outstandingnoticeable, remarkable, outstanding, striking顕著な
overduring, over, within, all through,..~の間
overcomewin, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer勝つ
overseasabroad, foreign, overseas海外
overweightfat, overweight, plump, obese太った
ownhave, hold, own, possess持つ

トップP/接続詞/副 詞/動 詞/形容詞/名 詞/時 間/場 所/前置詞/その他

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