英単語 正しい使い分けを勉強してすっきり英会話
か ~かどうか whether, if
そ それで、そして and, then, so
だ ~だけれども although, though
の ~の間 while, during
~の場合 In case of, In the case of
■副 詞
あ あとで after, later, in
い いつも all the time, every time
今のところ at the moment, for the moment, for the time being
今のところ right now, at the moment
いいですよ sure, certainly
いつもは、普段は usually
お おおよそ、約 about, around, approximately
か 完全に completely, absolutely
さ 最近 these days, recently, lately
し しかし however, but
じ 実は、実際は actually
す すぐに soon, immediately, at once 他
そ その上 besides, moreover, furthermore
た 多分 probably, perhaps, maybe
と とうとう at last, finally, after all
時々/しばしば sometimes, often, frequently
突然に suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly
な 長い間 for a long time, in a long time
は 初めて first, first of all, at first
ほ ほとんど almost, nearly
ま ~前に before, ago
も もう、まだ already, yet, still
も ~もまた also, too, as well
■動 詞
あ 改める change, improve, revise
集める collect, gather, assemble
合う fit, match, suit
い 行く go, come
う 受け取る accept, receive, get, take
訴える accuse, sue, prosecute
疑う doubt, suspect
打つ hit, beat, strike
お 終わる end, finish, be over
落ちる fall, drop, go down
終える finish, end
追う follow, pursue, chase
押す push, press, shove
置く put, set, place, lay
教える teach, train, educate
思う、推測する think, guess, suppose
か 借りる borrow, rent, lease
買う buy, purchase, get
変える change, alter, transform
隠す hide, conceal, cover up
貸す lend, rent, lease
き 切る cut, chop, trim
傷つける damage, harm, hurt, injure
決める decide, fix, determine
消える disappear, fade, vanish
期待する expect, wish, anticipate
禁止する forbid, prohibit, ban
聞く hear, listen to
こ 答える answer, reply, respond
殺す kill, murder, slaughter
断る refuse, reject, decline
試みる try, attempt, test
ごまかす cheat, deceive, cover up
さ 避ける avoid, escape, evade
叫ぶ cry, shout, scream
探す look for, search, seek, hunt
妨げる prevent, block, interrupt
し 修理する fix, repair, mend
賞 award, prize, reward
知る know, learn, realize, understand
す 捨てる abandon, dump, throw away
好きである like, be fond of, love
せ 生産する manufacture, produce, generate
た 頼む ask, order, request
倒れる collapse, fall down, slump
戦う fight, combat, battle
助ける help, assist, rescue, save
楽しみに待つ be looking forward, look forward
つ つなぐ connect, link, unite
続く continue, last, ensue, follow
連れて行く take, bring
使う use, spend, employ
で 出る come out, get out, go out
と 到着する arrive at, get to, reach
跳ぶ jump, leap, spring
溶ける melt, dissolve, defrost
な 泣く cry, weep, sob
投げる throw, toss, cast
鳴る ring, clatter, rustle
の 飲む drink, eat
飲む drink, sip, gulp
伸ばす extend, expand, stretch
乗る/降りる get on/off, get in/out of
残る remain, survive, be left
は 始まる begin, start, break out
選ぶ choose, select, elect
入る enter, go in, get in
話す say, speak, talk, tell
ひ 非難する criticize, blame, accuse
引く pull, draw, drag
ふ 増える increase, multiply, rise
震える shake, tremble, shudder
へ 減らす reduce, decrease
勉強する study, learn, work
ま 曲げる bend, twist, curve
回る turn, spin, revolve
み 見る see, look, watch
や 焼く bake, fry, roast, grill
ゆ 許す allow, permit, forgive
よ 要求する claim, demand, require
わ 笑う laugh, smile, grin
あ 明るい bright, light, cheerful
明らかな clear, apparent, obvious
危ない dangerous, risky, hazardous
温かい hot, warm, temperate
い 異常な abnormal, unusual, extraordinary
いつもの usual, customary, habitual
え 永遠の eternal, everlasting, permanent
お 大きい big, large, huge, great
穏やかな calm, mild, soft
幼い childish, childlike, immature
おもしろい interesting, exciting, amusing
遅い late, delayed, slow
多い many, much, a lot of
か かしこい clever, intelligent, wise
空の empty, vacant
かわいい lovely, pretty, sweet
き 巨大な huge, enormous, immense
きびしい severe, strict, harsh
奇妙な strange, curious, peculiar
ご 強情な stubborn, obstinate, headstrong
さ 様々な different, various, diverse
寂しい lonely, melancholy, desolate
し 親しい friendly, intimate, close
静かな quiet, silent, still
十分な tooとenoughの使い分け
す 少ない few, a few, quite a few
少し、少々 few, little, bit
少しの fewer, less
た 正しい right, correct, accurate
ち 近い close, near, nearby
ち 小さい small, little, tiny
つ 強い strong, powerful, intense
つまらない boring, dull, trivial
疲れた tired, exhausted, weary
と 遠い distant, far, remote
とても、非常に very, so, too
に 偽の false, fake, forged
似ている resemble, similar
ね 熱心な eager, enthusiastic, earnest
は はやい early, fast, quick, rapid
ばかな foolish, stupid, silly
ひ ひどい terrible, awful, cruel
広い wide, broad, vast
ふ 太い fat, thick
古い old, ancient, antique, old-fashioned
ほ 細い thin, slim, slender
む むずかしい difficult, hard
や 安い cheap, inexpensive
やさしい easy, simple, plain
優しい gentle, kind, tender
ゆ 有名な famous, well-known, notorious
■名 詞
あ 怪しい suspicious, doubtful, dubious
い 衣服 clothes, clothing, dress
う 運 luck, fortune, chance
お 終わり finish, end, conclusion
お金 outlay, cost, expenditure
贈り物 present, gift
か 考え idea, thought, thinking
き 期限 deadline
休暇 holiday, vacation, day off
機会 opportunity, chance, occasion
義務 duty, obligation, liability
く 国 country, nation, state
訓練 drill, exercise, training
薬 medicine, drug, chemical
け 検査 examination, inquiry, inspection
計画 project, plan, program, scheme
結果 result, effect, consequence
こ 心 heart, mind, spirit, soul
さ (酒場の呼び名) club, bar, pub
惨事 disaster, catastrophe, tragedy
財産 property, estate, fortune
し 習慣 custom, habit
手段 measure, means, way
仕事 work, job, occupation
状態 state, condition, situation
せ 性格 character, personality, temper
た 楽しい fun, pleasant, enjoyable
ち 地区・地域 area, region, district
力 force, power
調査 investigation, survey, research
中心 middle, center, heart
て 手当て(お金)salary, charge, fee
テスト test, trial, examination
で 出来事 event, accident, incident
ど 道具 instrument, tool, kit
な 眺め view, sight, scene
の 能力 ability, talent, capability
は 始め beginning, start, origin
び 病気 sickness, illness, disease
ま 間違い mistake, error, fault
も 目的 purpose, aim, objective
り 利益 benefit, gain, profit
旅行 journey, trip, travel
■時 間
(時間長さの違い) a little while ago, for a while
■場 所
あ あとで after, later, in
か ~から from, since
の ~の間に among, between
ま まで by, until
前置詞の使い分け in, at, on, with
でしょう will, be going to
二つの~ a pair of, a couple of
(海外関係の単語) abroad, foreign, overseas
確認するための文型 (~ask)の使い分け
関係代名詞使い分け that, which
疑問詞の使い分け what, how
省略形の内容は its, it's
意味の違い come/go, later/in, can/do
トップP/接続詞/副 詞/動 詞/形容詞/名 詞/時 間/場 所/前置詞/その他
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