


12.27:工場  factory, plant, mill, works
12.21:意味  meaning, definition
12.16:兵器  weapon, arms
12.10:技術  technique, skill, art, technology
12.04:区別する tell, distinguish, differentiate, discriminate
11.26:欠点  defect, shortcoming, fault
11.19:腐る  go bad, decay, rot, spoil
11.14:考える think, consider, regard
11.10:嫌な  unpleasant, disagreeable, disgusting, nasty, detestable
11.02:勝つ  win, beat, defeat, overcome, conquer
10.23:驚く  be surprised, be astonished, be amazed, be startled
10.15:一致する agree, correspond, accord, coincide, tally
10.02:がっかりする be disappointed, be discouraged
09.24:快活な cheerful, cheery, lively, mirthful
09.17:光る  shine, flash, sparkle, twinkle, gleam, glare
09.09:漫画  comic strip, cartoon, caricature
09.02:種類  kind, type
08.24:相談する consult, confer with, consult with, talk with
08.07:自由  freedom, liberty
08.01:流行ってる in fashion, fashionable, popular, prevalent
07.25:弁護士 lawyer, attorney, solicitor, 他
07.12:主張する assert, claim, maintain, insist
06.30:想像する imagine, fancy, picture, fantasize, daydream
06.20:見える seem, look, appear, sound
06.14:先生  teacher, tutor, instructor, coach, trainer
06.07:悪い  bad, evil, wicked, ill
05.31:本物の true, real, actual, genuine
05.22:狭い  narrow, small
05.06:憶病な cowardly, chicken-hearted, timid, shy
04.26:弱い  weak, feeble, frail, faint
04.23:話   talk, conversation, chat, address
04.17:控えめの modest, moderate, reserved
04.08:姿勢  posture, attitude, position, pose
04.03:資格  qualification, capacity, license
03.28:汚染する pollute, contaminate, make…dirty
03.19:染みをつける spot, stain, soil
03.13:働く  work, labor, serve
03.08:審判  umpire, referee, judge
02.27:整理する put in order, tidy, straighten, classify, arrange
02.22:暴露する expose, disclose, reveal
02.17:批評  comment, criticism, review, remark
02.11:失礼な rude, impolite, ill-mannered, uncivil
02.06:純粋な pure, genuine, solid, sincere
02.01:真似る imitate, copy, mimic, mock
01.28:混乱  confusion, disorder, chaos
01.23:憂鬱な gloomy, blue, depressed, depressing
01.18:和らげる ease, soften, relieve, soothe
01.11:集まる crowd, gather, get together, assemble
01.06:慎重な careful, cautious, prudent, discreet

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