


12.25:外見  appearance, look
12.20:不合理な irrational,unreasonable,illogical,他
12.14:不景気 depression, recession, slump, 他
12.09:不足  lack, want, shortage
12.04:綿密な detailed, careful, close, 他
11.28:有効な valid, effective
11.23:境界  boundary, border
11.19:続く  continuous, continual, constant, 他
11.15:行列  row, line, file, rank
11.10:雰囲気 atmosphere, aura, feeling
11.05:無愛想な unsociable, unfriendly, blunt, 他
10.31:論文  paper, thesis, treatise, 他
10.24:秘密の secret, confidential, classified,他
10.19:約束  promise, engagement, appointment
10.14:支援  encouragement, support
10.09:通常の normal, average, standard, 他
10.04:環境  environment, surroundings
09.29:練習する practice, rehearse, train
09.22:高齢者 aged, elderly
09.15:大きさ size, volume
09.12:傷   injury, wound
09.08:忍耐  patience, endurance
09.03:複雑な complex, complicated, involved
08.29:敵   enemy, opponent
08.23:するつもり be going to, intend to, mean to, plan to
08.18:無邪気な innocent, ingenuous, naive
08.14:不明の anonymous, unidentified
08.11:海   sea, ocean
08.04:安全  safety, security
07.31:有能な able, capable, competent
07.27:汗   sweat, perspiration
07.20:合計  sum, total
07.15:不明の not clear, unknown, obscure
07.09:議論  argument, dispute
07.02:珍しい rare, infrequent, uncommon, unusual
06.27:虫   insect, bug, worm, moth
06.22:適した suitable, fit, proper
06.19:契約  agreement, contract
06.13:争い  controversy, conflict
06.09:見つける find, detect
06.04:謝る  I'm sorry, I apologize
05.30:許可  permit, license
05.26:積荷  freight, cargo
05.21:火、炎 fire, flame
05.18:海岸  shore, coast
05.14:危機  emergency, crisis
05.09:価格  price, cost
05.05:助っ人 assistant, helper
05.02:ゴミ  garbage, waste
04.28:圧力  stress, pressure
04.23:残り  surplus, leftover
04.19:治る  recover, get well, be cured, heal
04.13:階段  stairs, steps
04.09:痛み  ache, pain
04.06:見本  sample, example
04.02:よそ者 outsider, stranger
03.29:流行の fashionable, stylish, cool, trendy
03.24:おとなしい quiet, mild, obedient, tame
03.21:喜び  pleasure, joy
03.17:作法  manner, etiquette
03.13:要約  summary, outline
03.09:一方で meanwhile,on the other hand,while,whereas
03.06:予想  forecast, prediction
03.04:見通し outlook, prospect
02.25:~の間 during, over, within, all through,..
02.21:階級  position, rank
02.17:部分  part, piece
02.13:大学  college, university
02.05:もし  if, in case of, on condition that
02.01:立場  stand, position
01.27:めったに~しない rarely, not often, occasionally, seldom他
01.23:前に  before, earlier, previously, prior.. 他
01.19:早急の urgent, immediate, pressing, prompt
01.15:夢中な crazy, absorbed, addicted
01.12:小さくする lower, relieve, weaken
01.06:weather と climate の違い
01.03:to と for の違い

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